Chapter 31: Sammy's Secret

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Sammy's POV: Hi I'm Sammy, I'm the daughter of Dove Cameron and Thomas Dorherty. I just discovered I have CF and that's what mom told me and it scares me cause they don't know if I'll make it. To be honest they kept this a secret the longest and I've actually had it for a while, Erica and Nora have no clue and I'm scared to tell them. I lay in bed listening to Dad's snoring and it was loud. I forgot to mention I have an older sister named Morgan, so I'm not an only child. At least mom and dad will have someone else to look after when I'm gone. I've been to hospitals every day of my life but they were never over night stays, but tomorrow night is when I have to stay over night. Just then I get a phone call from Nora.

(Phone Call)

Nora: Hey, You Ok?

Sammy: Yeah, and I have something to tell you.

Nora: What is it?

Sammy: I have CF, and tomorrow night is when I start spending the night at the hospital.

Nora: I know you have CF, Erica told me because her mom told her. I'm praying for you.

Sammy: Thanks, but I don't think I'm gonna make it.

Nora: I'll come see you tomorrow. I live in Toronto now so I'll drive up with Shawn after we take London to my grandparents place.

Sammy: To bad you can't stay over tonight.

Nora: I know, but I'll be there before you leave. I'll stay over night with you.

Sammy: Thanks Nora, I gotta go and try and get some rest. I love you.

Nora: Ok and I love you too.

(End Of Phone Call)

Nora's POV: When I got off the phone with Sammy I looked down and noticed that London fell asleep on me.  Before the call she woke up crying so I brought her downstairs and fed her a bottle, now she finally fell asleep. I carefully lifted her and slowly stood up, bringing her upstairs and placing her in her crib. Before leaving her room I gave her a small kiss and slowly walked out of her room leaving the door open a crack. Tears fell as I walked back down the hall to mine and Shawn's room, it's been days since I've talked to mom, and it also doesn't help knowing my best friend has CF and could die before Christmas. I then had the urge to suddenly call Macy.

(Phone Call)

Macy: Hello?

Nora: Macy?

Macy: Yes Nora, it's me don't be too shocked. What do you want?

Nora: Is mom there?, I feel stupid for not talking to her.

Macy: Oh My God, you actually want to talk to mom for once?  Hang on I'll get her. (Mom, Nora's on the phone and she wants to talk to you.) (I'll be right there!) Mom's coming upstairs now.

Mom: Hey sweetie, it's been a while since I've heard from you. Is everything Ok?

Nora: Not really, Sammy has CF, so I'm going to spend tomorrow night with her and Shawn after we take London to his parents house. We were going to drive her to Nana Herron's place but it would take longer to get to Sammy.

Mom: That's understandable. I wish I could hug you right now. Daddy and I miss you guys. Will you be here for Christmas?

Nora: Yes Mom, we will be leaving Toronto on the 23rd to be back in the warm sunny weather of California.

Mom: That's good honey. I'm excited to see you guys. How is London doing?

Nora: She's doing good, she is teething right now so she's definitely keeping us on our toes haha, but yeah she's getting better. Kind of makes me want another baby, but we will have to wait and see.

Mom: That's good. Violet, Jordan, Macy and Angel miss you. Jordan messaged me the other day from his college dorm room asking where you were. I told him that you guys are in Toronto raising your little family. And he says sounds fun can't wait to meet London.

Nora: That's awesome Mom, I have to go now Mom I love you and I will keep you updated on how Sammy is doing.

(End Of Phone Call)

The Next Morning...

"Nora, time to wake up." I heard Shawn say as I rolled over, glancing at the clock on my bed side table and groaning at the time. 5:00AM. I guess it's time to drive London to her grammy's house for the night.

At The Hospital...

When we got to the hospital, I found Sammy in room 301, but before I could open the door I broke down in tears in Shawn's arms. When I was calm I finally opened the door. It hurts seeing my best friend like this. Uncle Corbyn was there with my cousin Erica and I ran to him and cried. Then when night time came around I fell asleep holding her hand, with my head on the bed as Shawn sat back in his chair asleep and snoring with his arm wrapped around on my shoulder. I woke up the next morning noticing that Sammy wasn't in her hospital bed and then I realized she went into surgery. I then woke up Shawn and told him we needed to leave so we did.

A Few Days Later...

I woke up to the worst wake up call ever. Shawn said that Sammy's mom called and said she didn't make it. All hell broke loose as I ran out of the house and down the street leaving Shawn and London in the house. So then I called mom.

(Phone Call)

Mom: Hello?

Nora: Mom, she's gone!

Mom: I'm sorry honey. Come home, with Shawn and London.

Nora: I'll pack now.

Mom: Ok sweetie, take your time. Daddy will pick you up at the airport when you get here.

(End Of Phone Call)

After I got off the phone with mom, I got London ready and then we headed out the door to the airport.

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