AnD tHaT's WhAt It'S aLl AbOuT-

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Nightmare walks into Horror and Dust's shared room and says, "Nobody gets to do torture today."

"Why?" Horror complained.

"Because Dust is going...What's the word..." Nightmare ponders.

"This chicken nugget is going ape shi* fuc*!" Dust babbles, pointing to himself.

"Does he need mental help?" Horror asks, turning toward Nightmare.

Nightmare sighs, "Almost certainly...."

Okay, so in this chapter Nightmare represents my mom, Horror represents my sister, and, as written in the description, Dust represents me. I had read too much Crossmare, so I was giggling like a psychopath. My mom, that same day, declared that nobody would use electronics. I had changed the wording to fit the characters in BubblyShip's Fangs book, such as changing electronics to torture. Thing is my mom was being a hypocrite that day because she had used her tablet!



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