Chapter 13

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HeungSoo I AU I Can we start over again part 02/02 by harukno89


Namsoon's POV

I called KangJoo immediately. I don't care that it is midnight, I need to talk to someone.

"What is it?" A groggy KangJoo answers her phone.

"HeungSoo called me!"

"Okay, why are you calling me? Talk to the man. Good night."

"Wait. I meant he left me a voice message."

"Oh. What did he say?"

"Lee KangJoo WAKE UP! I just told you that the man I think I'm in love with, that disappeared from my life for the past six years left me a message and 'what did he say?' is all you can say?"

"I'm awake, I'm awake. Okay let's see, HeungSoo that dumbass left you a message. So, what are you going to do?" She yawns.

"I don't know, I don't know."

"Maybe call him back?"

"I don't have his number."

"Namsoon, you get a call for HeungSoo and all your brain cells disintegrate? Caller ID is your friend, saves all the numbers that call you."

"I forgot. What should I say?"

"Simple. You say, Hello, HeungSoo, this is Namsoon, where the hell have you been? Six years? Six years, you asshole! Do you know how worried I was? Then your sister tells me not to contact you. And I said okay maybe he will contact me but no..."

"Okay, okay I get it. I almost forgot the reason he called. KangJoo, listen, Teacher Jo Boon-Soo died."

"Oh my God, no. When? How? I saw him once after graduation and he was the same calm, wise old man we all know and love. I feel bad now because I didn't even stay long enough to speak with him."

"At least you saw him, I didn't see him after school. Even though I had told myself I'll try and visit both him and Teacher Jung, I never did. HeungSoo said Teacher Jung called him with the information and the funeral is in a few days. Teacher Jung will like us all to attend his funeral. You must come, KangJoo."

"I know. Okay, I'll see you in a couple of days and then I will hunt that HeungSoo down and kick his ass."

"I'll like to see you try. Besides, I was at fault too. Send me your itinerary once you book your flight. And bring Misaki with you. I would love to host the two of you. And you get to see my new place. You'll love it. Good night, sorry I woke you up."

"Glad you did. I get to play a little 'footsie' with my wife."

"Poor Misaki, good night."

"Poor? Poooorrr? Wait till I..."

I hang up, laughing.

                                         ― ☾ ―

I fall back on my bed laughing my ass off. My cellphone starts to ring, and I see it's Joong Ki calling.

I sit up, do some quick voice tries as Soo Min, and then pick up the phone.

"Welcome back Soo Min." he greets me.

"Thank you. Good to be back."

"Are you back in school, too?"

"My classes resume in a couple of days and I'm excited to demonstrate what I learned in the program."

"Tokyo is a beautiful city isn't it?"

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