Authors Note

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So, it's finished.


I thought this day was a lot further away than it turned out to be. I was looking at a half-finished draft, and thinking to myself: It's gonna be years before I end this.

So I sat down for a day, and I wrote. And I wrote. And I wrote.

Maybe it's unpolished. Maybe it's imperfect. Maybe the ending is a little rushed. I don't care. I finished it.

I'll likely still update it as I edit, re-publishing chapters with major changes. I'll update the whole book at once, every chapter, then I'll leave it be. I'll try to weed out any typos or awkward sentences.

Thank you to anyone who ever clicked on this book, read half a chapter, and clicked off again. I say this because I never picked up any actual readers, no matter how much I wanted them.

Oh well.

18,232 words.

A Word document 58 pages long.

It's a novella, technically. Still a book to me.

I wrote a book.

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