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Roselle Rodney walked up to the door of the familiar yellow house with its window sill flower bushes. Taking out her keys, she pushed open the door and cried, "Mom, I'm home!"

The delicious whiff of cookies wafted in the air to her nose. She walked to the kitchen where her mother was pulling a tray of cookies from the oven. She walked over and picked up a cookie. 

"Ow! Hot!" She exclaimed but still popped the whole thing in her mouth.

"Rosie!" Her mother chided.

Roselle smiled at her mother and dropped a bag on the island, "Here you go - Spinach, Ricotta, and eggs. You know, it's been a year and people still look at me as though I've been dropped from the sky." Roselle said, wrinkling her nose a little.

Her mother smiled at her amusedly and then said, "Well clearly you have been dropped from the sky because you seem to have a case of short-term memory loss. Where's the pasta? How do you expect me to make lasagna if I don't have pasta?"

Roselle had the decency to look embarrassed. "I can run down and get some pasta? Yeah, I'll do that. But first, a cookie for the journey." She said and was about to pluck another cookie off the tray when it was swiped away from her.

"No cookies for you until you get back with the pasta. Now go!" Her mother said, grinning and making a shooing gesture. Roselle rolled her eyes and went out the door.

As she walked, she thought about how her life had changed in just a year. A year ago, she had found out the truth about her past and had found her real mother. She had changed her name from Zoe Simmons to Roselle Rodney almost immediately after and had had Andra arrested. Andra had been given a life sentence in prison for all the wrong things she had done. 

After the case was publicised, Roselle had become one of the country's top Private Investigators. The media had blown up over the fact that the Investigator who was looking for a missing girl happened to be the missing person itself. Wherever she went, people stared at her, because she was the 'Miracle Child'. 

She had been offered jobs at various agencies but had declined all of them for her job as a Private Investigator. She had moved her office closer to her new home in Waterstone Drive where she lived with her mother, Louise Rodney.

Life did this thing where it made you happy for a moment, and sad for the next. But in the end, life made sure that you would turn out happy. Roselle had been happy for four years of her life before she was thrown into 30 years of suffering. 

But life had pitied her. Life which had pushed her away to walk an unknown path on her own had pulled her back towards the right direction and had taken her in its arms. It had wiped her tears away and had pointed her toward the light. It had shown her love again.

A year ago she had been Zoe Simmons, a broken woman who hadn't known love. Now, a year later, she is Roselle Rodney, a woman filled with so much love that it had mended all the cracks and fixed her. She is Roselle Rodney, a woman who believes in fate. She is Roselle Rodney, a woman who believes in hope. 

She is Roselle Rodney, a woman who believes in happy endings.


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