Home Again *15+*

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After 15 minutes we arived home again, and i have never been like this before, cus im with Tae almost everyday so why am i like this today?

Taehyung: Are you feeling any better, Babygirl? *He took his on your waist*

Y/N: N-no, and why are you calling me babygirl, don't do that, and do not when Namjoon is here. *I walked away*

Namjoon: Tae? Can you stay here with Y/N? *He was about to leave*

Y/N: N-

Taehyung: Ofc! Now get your ass back to school before I leave too. *He joked*

Y/N: Namjoon wai- *He already left and now I am alone with Tae. What the fuck im I suppost to do?!*

Y/N: Im going to my room, and don't you dare come in without knocking. *I said in a serious tone*

Taehyung: Okay, babygirl. *He smirked*

Y/N: And don't call me babygirl!

Taehyung: Okay, babe. *He was now just teasing you*

You didn't respont, you walked to your room leaving Taehyung in the livingroom.

Taehyung in the other hand,started to make weird noises downstairs and I groaned in annoyance as walked down too see what this motherfucker was doing.

Y/N: KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG!!!!!!!!! *I yelled from my room*

When I was half down I heard Taehyung moaning, I froze at my place.

Taehyung: Aahh...y-yes, Y-Y/N...ahhaah......im c-cumming.

I found out that i will just go quiet and nice back to my room, but i should've not have done that because the fucking flore cracked, and he heard it ofc.

Y/N: Fuck.. *I whispered to myself*

And with that I ran to my room and was just hoping for my life that he doesn't come to my room. In that very moment I thought my life was over, my door knocked and I knew it was Taehyung cus we are the only ones home.

Taehyung: Y/N? C-can I come in?

Y/N: NO!!!!

Taehyung: Why not?

Y/N: Uugghhh... f-ine co-come in. *I finlay gave in and was shaking when the door opened*

Taehyung: Can we talk?

Y/N: Why? About what?

Taehyung: What you heard downstairs. You know, *sight* i like you Y/N okay, i like you and not as a friend, as a girl like you are. *I was blushing at his word but i didn't belive him*

Y/N: Thank you but, I don't belive you.

Taehyung: And why is that?

Y/N: Because, my heart has been played with to many times and my ex said the exsaclly the same as you did now.

Taehyung: But im not your ex Y/N. Im a person who never lies, and you know that *I started to tear up*

Y/N: But how can I belive you?

Taehyung: Let me proove my love for you, babygirl. *He smirked*

He was about to kiss me when the we heard the front door being opened and a voice say:

???: We are home! Hello? Y/N? Taehyung?

Taehyung: Motherfucker! Why did you have too ruin this perfect moment!? *He yelled in the bedsheets* We are not finished here, babygirl. Meet me here an hour after the party has started, I have a plan for the others.

Y/N: What are you going to do?

Taehyung: You'll see. *He smirked*

More is coming...............

Truth or dare || Kim-Taehyung || 21+ oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now