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✰┊  𝐈𝐅  𝐈  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘 ┊ ✰


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One won't necessarily expect the car radio to still work after a massive and super deadly wreckage. But, by some strange miracle, it did.

    The car is just utterly eviscerated from the wreckage. The impact of a four-ton pickup truck going sixty miles an hour plowing straight into the passenger side had the same force of an atom bomb going off. It violently ripped off the doors, sent the front-side passenger seat through the driver's-side window. It flipped the chassis, bouncing it across to the slick icy black road, and ripped the complex engine apart as if it were no stronger than a tiny mere spider web. It tossed wheels, and hubcaps deep into the near by forest. It ignited bits of the gas tank, so that now tiny flames lap at the wet icy road.

There was so much noise filling up the cold winter air. A unique symphony of rough grinding, a chorus of popping, an area of exploding, and finally, a sad clapping to the hard metal cutting into all of the near by pine trees. Then it went suddenly quite, expect for Beethoven's Cello Sonata no.3, still loosely playing from when Hope had switched it to the classical station. The car radio is still, somehow, attached to a battery, and so that meant Beethoven could continue broadcasting into the once tranquil morning air.

  At first, things felt normal, and fine. For one, Hope could still hear the soft sounds of Beethoven in the background of the ringing in her ear. Then, there's also the fact that she is merely standing there in a ditch that is on the side of the road. When she looked down at herself; she saw her jean skirt, light pink cardigan sweater, and the black boots she had put on this morning all look the same as they did when she and her family had left earlier that morning. There wasn't an ounce of blood on her. She was fine...

     Hope climbed up the embankment to get a better look at the car. It isn't even a car anymore. It was more like a metal skeleton; it was without seats, and what worried her is it was without passengers. Which could only mean a very few things. Things that utterly scared her. She came to the somewhat rational conclusion that the rest of her family must have been thrown from the the car like just like she was. Hope brush off her hands onto her deep blue jean skirt, and then walk into the road to find them.

   She managed to see her uncle first. Or, what was left of him. Even from several feet away, she could make out the protrusion of the pipe in his jacket pocket. She called out to him as she ran towards him, the pavement grew slick and there were grey chunks of what look like cauliflower. She know what she seeing right away, but it somehow does not immediately connect back to her uncle. When it springs into her mind that those reports about tornadoes or fires, how they'll ravage one house but leave the other that's next door intact. But, his pipe has left his left breast pocket.

    She found her aunt next. There's almost no blood on her, but her lips are already a deep blue, and the whites of her eyes are completely red; she looks like a ghost from a low budget monster movie. She seems totally unreal. And it is the sight of her looking like some preposterous zombie that's finally sends a hummingbird of panic ricocheting through Hope.

  She really need to find Teddy! But, where is he?

    She spun around, suddenly frantic, like the time she had managed to loss him for ten minutes in the grocery store. She'd been convinced he'd been kidnapped. Of course, it turned out that he'd wandered over to the candy aisle. When she found him, she hadn't been sure whether to yell at him or hug him.

     Hope ran back to the ditch where she came from, and she could see a hand sticking out. " Teddy! I'm right here!" She frantically calls. "Reach up . I'll pull you out." But as she gets closer, she can see a tiny metal glint of a bracelet with a tiny cello and a tiny raven charms; her girlfriend, Raven Darkholme had gotten it for her for her nineteenth birthday. Hope was wearing it this morning. And, is still wearing it.

  She edges closer, and closer, and now knows that it's not Teddy lying there. Rather it's herself that's lying there. The blood coming from her chest is now seeping through her shirt, skirt, and sweater, and is now pooling like paint drops on the white virgin snow. One of her legs is askew, the skin and muscle peeled away so that she can see white streak's of her own bone. Hope's eyes are slammed closed, her dirty blonde hair is wet, and rusty colored from her own dark colored blood.

  She quickly spun away. This isn't right. This cannot be happening to her. It just couldn't be. They were a family, going on a drive. This isn't real. She must have fallen asleep in the car. That was the only explanation for this truly terrifying nightmare.


     " No! Stop. Please stop. Please wake up!" Hope screamed into the chilly air. It's so cold. Her breath should smoke. It doesn't. She stares down at her wrist, the one that looks fine, untouched by blood and gore, and pinches herself as hard as she possibly could...no luck... she doesn't feel a thing.

   Hope's had nightmares before- falling helplessly nightmares, playing-a- cello - recital- without-knowing- the - piece nightmares, breaking-up-with-Raven nightmares, but she have always been able to command myself to open her eyes, to lift he head from the pillow, to halt the horror movie playing behind my closed eye lids. So, she tries yet again.

     But, she doesn't.

   Then she hears something in the distance. It's music. Hope could still hear music. So she decides to concentrate on that. Hope fingers the notes of Beethoven Cello Sonata no.3 with her cold shaking hands, like she would often do when she is listening to piece she am working on. Raven always calls it "Air cello". She's always asking Hope if one day they could play a duet, her on air guitar, Hope on air cello. " When we're done, we can thrash our air insterments," she always jokes. " You know you want to."

  She plays, just focusing on that, unit the last bit of life that car has in till it dies, and all of the music goes with it. It isn't long after that the sirens began to come...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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