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"Hey, im lynx. And this is the story of how i met my mate Romeo. It all started one summer morning in june...."
'Ill finish this later' i thought as i dropped the bird i was eating under a bush. I coverd it with dirt and ran back to my den. Its been 3 months since i last saw the scientists. They forced me into my cat form and i could never get out of it. Lately i have been smelling wolves near, but thought they would leave like the last pack. Its been 2 weeks since they came. But i still hope they leave. Might take a while. But hope must be on my side.
Romeo's pov
I just moved my pack to this new place. I dont know where we are exactly but we're at least far from that dim world we used to call home. I was sitting on my favorite rock when leap ran up to me. "Alpha, we have spotted a BLACK CAT hunting on our borders!" he said. "What? Well get flame to chase her off." i said tiredly. Flame was the packs 2nd in command, is mate is lily, the packs best hunter.
"Thats just the problem, Flame's mate is birthing today and he wont leave her side!" leap said nervously. "Well then.... Get river to do it!" i said, i was starting to get angry. "Or is she off to?"
"Yes she is.. She cought a really bad caugh.." "Well then i guess i have to go.." i said getting up. "No you dont have to!" "No one else will so i have to!" "I can get red-" "RED IS STILL IN TRAINING!" leap jumps back. "sigh* im sorry leap just.... Ill go.." "yes alpha.." leap said and walked off.
'guess im all alone in this.' i thought, and walked twords the border of our new... 'home..'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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