The Beginning

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(There will most likely be a lot of spelling errors and mistakes, these will hopefully be fixed in the future. This goes for all the chapters.)

As the sun began to rise above the distant mountains; causing rays to burst through even the smallest cracks as the first day of existence began. Men and women walked on the newly crafted soil, grass and rocks as they pushed past the plantation. Although they were small, they were still alive, constantly pushing onwards to find somewhere they could call home in this newly birthed world. But everywhere they went darkness loomed over them, destroyed everything they tried to create, shattering anything they could get their hands on... It appears that this newly born light will soon fade just weeks after being born.

But one stood out amongst these dwindling souls, one which couldn't even possibly be called a man, but something more. He was tired of seeing these people die; constantly watching the darkness and evil of this world try to put to death something which had barely managed to take its first steps. The cries of men. The pleases of women. He simply could not bear to witness it any longer.

So, he stated to the limited population these words. "My friends, I cannot bear to witness anymore of us be snatched away by the darkness which this land holds. I promise you all that I personally see to it that we trap these monsters and prevent them from ever harming us again, so that we can finally settle down and create somewhere we can call home." No one had ever seen someone take such initiative against something which seemed practically impossible. But at this rate, it was the only hope they had; this new land which they were born on was swarming with monsters, darkness and evil. They would be lucky to even survive a month more. So, they listened to this man who was different than the rest. For he possessed something that none of the others did.

Throughout the night, the lone man carved out a wooden box from an old tree he had cut down, after he casted some sort of spell which made the cracks in the bark glow a bright white. The box was about 3 hands wide, and one hand tall. The people didn't understand how a simple box would fix their despair; the man assured them that this was the answer to all their problems.

Once the new moon raised up high in the sky, the man went to the highest peak of the land, holding up the box; it's cracks started to glow a bright white. Before anybody could comprehend what they were witnessing; the box sucked in all the darkness which spread across the land. From monsters to demons, curses or simply pure evil itself, every drop was sucked inside... then it closed and locked for good.

The people praised the man, calling him a hero and they decided to refer to him as "The Wizard" for they could not understand how he was able to do such a thing... but they didn't dare question. "Now." Stated The Wizard, as he stood above the rest. "Nothing can stand in our way, let us explore and live together without an ounce of fear left in the way!"

Finally, the people could set up a place to call home. Constructing buildings, creating cultures, inventing new things and discovering new places. They found other creatures which were once lost in the dark like they were, from elves to fay creatures to angels.

All of them congregated into one place to celebrate their now given freedom. Some made friends, some made lovers. But over the years, the population mixed and grew to form what would be known as the Eryn Century.

The Century of Peace.


One Hundred years since the first steps were taken on this earth the population had created a large city which they had now named "Scelavera". A king was nominated by The Wizard after the man had aided him in setting up the peoples first settlement. As a reward, The Wizard gave the man an extraordinary amount of power to rule the kingdom. The Wizard stated to the man that this large amount of power would be passed down naturally through childbirth. So, he recommended that once the newly founded king found a wife, that they should create multiple children so that the power would be spread out instead of one child gaining all the power for themselves and possibly using it for their own selfish desires. The king obliged and once he built a castle and made sure the people were sustained by using his new powers; he found a wife and the newly found royals gave birth to multiple children.

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