At the party!

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At Midoriya's house-

Todoroki approach's the house and rings the door bell and Midoriya greets him at the door

Midoriya: hello Todoroki! Come on in Momo,Iida,and Uraraka are all ready here they are in the living room!

Todoroki: Nice to see you Midoriya
[takes his jacket and scarf off and hangs it up with the rest of the jackets]

Midoriya and Todoroki go into the kitchen

Midoriya: do you want a drink Todoroki?

Todoroki: sure

Midoriya: what do you want to drink?

Todoroki: do you have white wine?

Midoriya: yeah sure!
Midoriya hands him a wine glass with white wine in it
Todoroki: thanks
Midoriya grabs him a glass with red wine in it

They both go to the living room to talk with the others and help decorate the tree

An hour pasted and every one is there except Bakugou

Kirishima: where's Bakugou?!

Midoriya: he probably got stuck in traffic!

Bakugou x Todoroki [WARNING-yaoi]Where stories live. Discover now