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"You're sensational"

Two words that broke my heart.

My body froze as I stare at my ex girlfriend with a girl and I can totally tell that they're dating. They're staring at each other while holding hands.

"Good evening, Cheryl" I was about to leave the  diner when the owner greeted me with a big smile.

"Hey, Pop" I smiled back and looked at my ex, Oh god she's looking at me. I felt awkward and went out of the diner, I already lost my appetite the moment I overheard them talking to each other. Like, sweet stuff. How could she be so cruel?

I was about to open the door of my car when I saw Betty and Veronica going out of the diner.
"Hey Cousin B and V!" I called them and they looked at me and smiled.

"Hi Cheryl, We saw what happened a while ago. Are you okay?" Betty rubbed my shoulder as a sign of comfort. "Yeah, I mean you just... bolted out of the diner after Pop greeted you" Veronica said with a worried face.

"I'm okay sweet cousin Betty. Um, Do you guys wanna go for a ride? Night stroll? Just like to old times? If...your boyfriends wouldn't mind." I'm honestly not okay with what I've heard and saw. I just needed a distraction to get away from all of the pain that I'm feeling inside.

"If this is the only way to comfort you, then we're in" Betty smiled at me and I immediately unlocked my car doors and turned the car engine on. (play the attached song above)

We're just strolling around town. We passed the school, and then Betty and Archie's House, passed Thistlehouse and then passed Riverdale. Just like the old times, Catching up about each other's lives while listening to our favorite songs. It feels really good to escape from reality a bit. We're just talking and laughing until we reach our destination. A cliff at Centerville, you can see the whole city when you're at this place but only the three of us knows this place. I pullled over and brought out a blanket from my compartment.

"Wow, the city lights. It's good to be back!" Veronica said.

"I know V" I said while setting up the blanket for us to sit in. After I settle everything, We sat down and just appreciate the view. It was a complete 10 minutes silence until...

"Cheryl, I know you're not okay about Toni dating countless girls and even boys everyday." Betty said.

"Like, making Pop's Diner a dating place you mean" Veronica said interrupting Betty.

"I know you're still not over her, I understand that your breakup was a mess but how are you holding up?" I started tearing up. Betty's right, how am I really?

"I- I honestly don't know..." I said while crying.


"My love? Are you in-" I opened the door of our room, looking for Toni and I saw her there, sitting on the other side of the bed. Her eyes are puffy, and I immediately approached her.

"TT? What happened? Are you okay?" I sat beside her and rubbed her shoulders to comfort her.

"I'm moving out, Cheryl" She said without even looking at me.

I was shocked, I thought she's okay, I thought we're okay, I thought we're inlove.

"Wh-why? What have I done? Tell me babe, I will change for you" I said, tears fell down.

"I'm done with you, Cheryl" She said, she looked at my eyes.

"Wh-what? No... No babe, Give me a valid reason" I said and I hugged her. She paused for a minute, I can feel the wetness in my shoulders that means that she's crying.

"I-" She said and cried again. I hugged her tighter and then she stood up.

She's looking at me like there's no tomorrow.

It gives me anxiety.

"I killed Heather, Is that enough reason for you to let me go?"



Hey fam!
I know this chapter is short, It's actually my first time writing a story so bear with me. I promise to improve my story so stay tuned!

Feel free to comment your suggestions and opinions to my stories. I'm open for improvements and maybe I can learn also from y'all.

I love y'all! x

All the love,

All the Love, T.R.G | Choni FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora