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Holly's POV
I'm on my way to my home for the summer. I'm driving me and my little sister Rose to Musicality. It's a music summer camp where you find your special talent. If it's singing,dancing or playing a banjo,Musicality will always support you. Oh gosh I'm starting to sound like a commercial...

I've been going here since I was 8. That's the minimum age for you to be here. Rose just turned 8 last month so she made the cut. I also got my driver's license 2 months ago which is why I can go wherever I want.

I was just listening to Rose ranting about her not being with me and having no friends.

"I don't want to be alone!!! Why can't I stay with you?!" Rose ranted while hitting me lightly.

"Because you're 8 and I'm 16. Besides,you're gonna find lots of friends at Musicality!" I replied. I was scared too in my first year at Musicality. But my best friend Emma introduced herself to me and we immediately became best friends. Sadly,she couldn't go this year because she wanted to go to an actual camp and not music camp.

But I wasn't alone though. Not to brag, but I'm practically the Queen of Musicality. I've been here the longest and I'm really and I mean REALLY good at singing.

I have a whole songbook for it.

Which hasn't been filled up lately...


What?! I haven't had any inspiration!

But I'm also too lazy...but I don't admit it.

After FOREVER,well actually maybe not that long but I exaggerate a lot,we finally arrive at Musicality. I start getting our suitcases out of the trunk but I see Rose running over to a group of girls.

"Where are you going?!"

"I can see Layla and her group of friends! Maybe it won't be so bad after all!",she shouts back.

"But what about being nervous and wanting to stay with me?!",I throw my hands up in the air in confusion.

"Oh please! That was so an hour ago!", she shouts and runs over to Layla and her friends and is greeted with a hug.

Oh much for not being alone. I finished getting out me and Rose's backpacks but when I try getting our suitcases out,I fail. When I tried the second time,I fell to the ground and landed on the grass.

Do you think after all my experience at camp,I would be strong enough to get my suitcases out?!


Don't answer that.

I'm still on the ground because I'm too tired to get up when I hear a voice from behind me.

"Need help?", a voice says. I turn around and see a familiar group of friends smirking down at me.

Asher King and his group of friends are chuckling behind me. Asher was my best friend in Grade 4 until he chose popularity over me.

You know how every school has it's"bad boys"? Well let me introduce you to Asher and his friends. They wear leather jackets even when it's hot just to look cool,they're on the football team and ride motorcycles.

"Oh Asher! You're here?! I thought Musicality only accepted the talented?!"

Asher's smirk turned into a scowl and he clenched his fists.

"If it did,then you wouldn't be here.",he replied. It wasn't a really good comeback but I still accepted it.

"Anyways,what are you guys doing here? I thought you would still be slaving off in detention."

"I was invited to Musicality for my songwriting skills",he proudly stated.

"Which ones? The ones for love songs because you have expertise on breaking up with girls? Or the ones about school being a jail because you suck at it?"

"Ooh! You just got burnt dude!" One of his friends replied and his other friends started laughing.

His face was blushing red but of course I tried fo hide it. I rolled my eyes at his behavior.

"Well my mom is convincing me to turn over a new leaf so..."

He pushed me aside and got the suitcases out of my car like it was a feather.

My eyes became wide open and my jaw dropped to the floor. How could he lift that up so easily?! That weighs like 100 pounds or something!

Ok that's seriously inaccurate.

My stuff weight more than 100 pounds.


Don't judge me ok!

Asher's friends left one by one and Asher was the last to leave. He stopped by me and closed my jaw with his finger.

"Careful. You're gonna catch flies."he replied while smirking at me.

Seriously! Is smiling like a normal human being even in there vocabulary?!

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