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Holly's POV
After that dreadful experience,I handed over Rose's stuff then went to the board to check out where I would be staying.

Musicality divides the people by what they're good at or what they want to be. For the newcomers,they put them all in one cabin until they figure out their talent.

Me being me,I check out the Songwriting Cabin to see who would be there with me and get to know them more.

Definitely not by stalking them on Instagram...or Twitter. Who does that???


Actually,let's forget I ever asked that. I look down at the bottom of the list because my last name is Woods.

My family really loves nature except Mom,Dad and Rose love plants while I love animals.

I'm really the black sheep of the family.

I look and see that my good friends Cherry,Tia and Millie are with me in the cabin!

Well actually it's not a cabin. More like a mansion.

You see,Mr. King,Asher's dad owns Musicality. You know,I bet that's how Asher got in! Anyways,Mr. King is a gazillionaire and that's why he can afford this stuff.

But when I look at the boys section,guess who's name pops up.

Asher King.

I arrive in the Songwriting Cabin and get settled in. When I'm putting my clothes in the cabinet,I hear 3 screams behind me.


I turn around just to get squashed by Cherry,Tia and Millie. I hug them back but I can feel my bones breaking.


They let me go and I examine them one by one.

Tia is the smartest out of all of us but she doesn't have glasses. Last year,she always tied her short,black hair in a ponytail but it grew out a bit and she left it down.

Cherry's blonde hair used to be in braids but now it's also left down and wavier than it used to be. Cherry is the most childish in the group because she still believes in Santa Claus,unicorns and she always sings songs from Disney.

Millie is the gossip of the group but I mean that in a good way. It's just that she always fangirls over cute boys and gossips about them. She has short black hair,kinda like Cherry's but you can see a hint of dark brown in her hair.

"I can't believe you're here!!! We've been waiting FOREVER for you!!!" Cherry said while jumping up and down. I swear she's 16 but she acts like a 4-year old.

"Let her rest Cherry. She's had a long day. Kinda. Not really. How's school?"Tia asked. Tia is really the calmest and wisest in the group but she always wants to learn for some reason. I don't get it.

"DID YOU SEE THE LIST?! ASHER KING IS WITH US!!!" Millie fangirled and started jumping up and down like Cherry.

"Ok first of all,school was fine Tia. And second,yes I know Asher's with us but I really don't want to talk to him! I whined while violently shoving my clothes in the cabinet.

"But I saw him help you get your suitcases out of the car. I thought you became friends already." Cherry said as she sat down and pulled out a lollipop and started eating it.

She eats way too much candy and chocolates. I thought cherries were healthy. Oh well...

Looks like this Cherry's getting diabetes.

"He what?! Holly you talked to THE Asher King!!!" Millie hugged me as she said that.

"Oh my gosh you smell like him! Never shower again!" Millie said as she sniffed me.

"I smell like him?! Great! It's gonna take days just to get his scent off of me!" I complained as I flopped down onto my bed.

Suddenly,the speaker in our cabing started making a weird crackling noise. After a few seconds,a voice came out. Mr. King started speaking.

"Hey campers! Hope you've had enough time to settle and find your cabins. Please go to the meeting hall for the annual firework launching. Thank you." Mr. King's voice spoke then came to an end.

Me,Cherry,Tia and Millie stood up and started walking towards the meeting hall.

We sat down with our cabin mates and just my luck,I'm seated next to you know who.

Asher King.

"Hey princess. Can't get enough of me?" Asher asked as he put his arm around me.

I ducked and shooed Asher's arm away from me.

"As if! Millie can we switch?" I asked. I'm really annoyed with Asher right now. Actually,when am I not?

"No thanks Holly. Just sit there and be Asher's princess." Millie replied as she smirked at me. I caught Cherry and Tia giggling.

"Millie's right Woods. Just sit there and be my princess." Asher said as he attempted to put his arm around me again. I slapped his arm and I guess it really hurt because he winced in pain.

"Ok first of all,I'm not your princess and I'm not gonna just sit here and be your damsel in distress. Second,some knight in shining armor you are. More like a jerk in leather." I dissed him. He looked really shocked and was about to say something back but luckily the meeting started.

"Hello campers! Welcome or welcome back to Musicality! We have fun activities everyday! Your cabin you were assigned to is what you like to do or is your talent. On weekdays,a teacher will come to your cabin and help you for 1 hour. The rest of the time,you can enhance your talent or you can go have fun. On weekends,we have a talent show for each cabin. The cabin that wins doesn't have to do their chores for the next week." Mr. King announced. Of course this isn't new for me. I've been here for 7 years now!

"Have as much fun as you want and let the fireworks begin!" Mr. King shouted as he gazed up to the sky and everyone followed. The fireworks began and they spelled out,"Welcome to Musicality!" and started spelling out the names of the different cabins.

This is gonna be a fun year.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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