The two girls were woken up by knocks at their door. Max opened her eyes with difficulties, wondering who could be here at 7. The person stopped so the two girls put again their heads on their pillows.
Max grumbled some inaudible things before angrily standing and going to the door. When she opened it, she had the bad surprise to see Mike behind it, losing his smile when he saw her and not his girlfriend.
- "It must be an emergency, or you're dead!"
- "I'm not here for you!" replied Mike.
- "I know! We were sleeping before your stupid face decided it was cool to wake us up!"
- "I want to talk to my girlfriend, if you don't mind!?"
- "I mind, because we're sharing a room, which mean if you wake her up, you wake me up, and you have to deal with this!"
- "Move!"
- "No!"
Mike tried to enter, but Max put her hand on his chest and pushed him away.
- "Go away now!" ordered the redhead before slamming the door.
If there was one person she didn't want to see, or hear, on waking, it was him. She loudly sighed with her mouth, looking at El, who had small eyes.
- "I'm sorry," apologized the redhead. "If you wanna join him, you can, you do what you want!"
- "I'll see him later, it's too early," answered El with a hoarse voice.
- "Definitely. The cafeteria is not even opened!"
El lightly chuckled.
- "Just go back to sleep, I don't think he'll come back."
- "He shouldn't! Or I kill him!"
El smiled to her and grabbed her hand to bring her closer, forcing her to go in her bed. Max let her do it, she wasn't complaining of the situation, and she was used to sleeping with her, every time they had a sleepover they were sleeping in the same bed. But she thought it was kinda not really right toward her, she was feeling like if she was using those situations to enjoy it whereas El didn't know.
El wrapped her arm around the redhead's waist and put her head on her shoulder, closing her eyes. She never slept with Mike, after all this time, none of them stayed a night with the other one in a bed. Hopper wasn't really liking the boy, and El could understand why, he was always rude and mocking him, not in a nice way, going too far most of the time.
The two girls reopened their eyes two hours after, still cuddling each other. El even placed a small kiss on Max's cheek as a good morning, making melt the redhead's heart. She was glad it was not bright, hiding her red face.
- "How was your first night on a boat?" asked Max.
- "Not bad," answered El with a sleepy tone.
- "If Mike hadn't woken us up—"
- "It wasn't this bad, I slept better with you than alone."
- "Oh, really?"
- "Yeah, I mean, we always sleep together, I'm certainly used to it now. You didn't like it?"
- "I did like it, I like sleeping with you," confessed Max, trying to hold her feelings inside.
- "Cool," smiled El.
El put again her head on Max, tightening the hug. The redhead could feel her hot breathing caressing her neck, provoking pleasant goosebumps. She was glad El didn't jump of the bed to go to breakfast, Max was enjoying it too much to let it go so fast. She had El just for her. She felt a bit bad, like if she was stealing her away from Mike. Well, it wasn't like if they were kissing, or something like that, they were just cuddling, like they always did. Yeah, it was, sadly, nothing more...

Cruise - Elmax
FanfictionElmax. On a boat. Short story but long chapters. Don't hesitate to leave a comment ;) Cover: Alek.dar