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3 weeks.

3 weeks, and everyone was losing their minds over this typical annual event. Prom. Many people were treating it like it was going to be some sort of life-changing experience. Others began to boast of different proposals and outfits they were going to wear.

To Zack, it was just a stupid gathering, riddled with smiles - he'd end up flipping tables out of pure frustration if he was stuck in that mess. Watching many of the classmates go out of their way to plan taking out a particular partner they fancied made him want to gag, just like those stupid cheesy romance films that often occupied the TV.

"Even if you hate the thought of prom, that's no excuse to hide out in my infirmary...being grossed out is not the same as being sick."

Isaac was lying in one of the beds of Nurse Cathy's office. It was clear he was trying to get away from all the romance nonsense going around.

"If I go out there for another minute, I'm gonna hurl all over the place," Zack said stubbornly.

"Oh poor baby," Cathy teased, then opened a drawer to dig out an item. She grabbed a small bottle, followed by a fresh syringe. "Maybe I can give you some medicine to make you all better."

Zack glanced at the needle, and felt a cold sweat form at his brow, "I'm out."

He quickly rolled out of the bed, and rushed out of the door, being disgusted by romance was one thing, but there was no way in hell he was going to be a guinea pig for the school nurse. He hummed a groan under his breath, as he skulked down the halls, it appears that the majority of students have turned into their respective classes. He was in no mood to join, especially when it was Mr. Dickens' biology class - too many fancy words and the teacher was more interested in talking about eyes than the supposed subject.

Just near the school gates, there was a small house, built by the school shop class for their new school mascot - the little puppy that Zack took in. If there was any better company he wanted to be with right now, it would be them. The pup was napping peacefully in the sunlight, until their ears perked up to the sound of someone approaching. They picked themselves up, and noticed Zack heading their way, the puppy yipped excitedly, and rushed to the young man's side. Isaac couldn't resist a chuckle as the pup jumped with their tail wagging nonstop.

"Glad to see me, huh? I bet yer' tired of seeing everyone acting all lovey dovey and shit..." Zack said, keeping a soft tone of voice. This was the only gentle side of himself that he would ever show to anything. The young man knelt down a little, and held his arms out to allow the pup to jump right in them. "Let's ditch school for a while."


"It appears that Zack is skipping class..."

Mr. Dickens let out a sigh, as he thumbed through the attendance list, only to spot the delinquent absent...again.

"Rachel, he only listens to you. Could you please locate him and bring him here?"

"Yes sir."

The girl got up from her desk, taking a quick peek from the class window to guess the many possibly hideouts Zack might've taken today. That was one smart aspect about the young man - never camp out in the same place twice. She left the classroom, and down to the first floor to exit the building. Chances were, Zack was either still on campus ground, or snuck off into town. Campus was the first place to search, smaller ground to cover. She checked behind the stadium bleachers, then inside of the equipment shed, where he would occasionally nap. There was no trace of him. The next spots she could think of was near the school gates, there were a few good hiding spots, like near the water fountain, or around the class garden.

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