Chapter 5 (S*rry ab*ut the l*ng wait!)

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Yes, s* s*rry! I had misplaced my draft, and f*und it at my friend's h*use. I ap*l*gize.

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"Jesus Christ." Vriska whispered. They were at the town, which practically overflowed with stalkers.They were standing in the forest, watching as stalkers limped around. "Was it this bad when you came through, Dave?" Dave shook his head, his mouth open in shock.

"No. We were at the motel and everything was fine. Then Bro and I went to Circle K, and that's when the first person got jumped."

"How are we going to get through?" John asked. "It's too risky to walk the outside."

"We just gotta get through." Vriska said. "Don't slow your pace down for a second, or else you're-" Just then, Karkat shot a few rounds. They rang loud and clear, attracting every stalker within a five-mile radius."You fucking idiot!" screeched the shocked teen. "What the hell was that for?"

"Vriska!" cried Nepeta. Stalkers were limping towards them, snarling.

"Don't move." Dave said. "Or else they'll run." Karkat took off. The horde reacted swiftly. They charged at the teens, screeching a horrible sound that could chill blood. "Karkat!" Dave shouted.

"Dave, look out!" John pointed at a stalker that lunged at Dave, who he kicked away. "We have to run!" They took off after Karkat, who had ran into the town. Vriska gripped Nepeta's hand, making sure to get her past. Karkat was ahead of him, when he suddenly turned down an alley. The others followed.

"Over here!" Karkat motioned to an open door. Dave shoved John in, Vriska and Nepeta running after. He slammed the door just as stalkers rammed against it. Dave whipped around to Karkat.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" he exclaimed. "You could've gotten us all killed!"

"I got us in, didn't I?" Karkat snapped.

"Your dumbass self almost cost us our lives!" Vriska yelled, stepping up. "You drew the entire town our way!"

"So? Maybe we all need to die!" Nepeta clung onto John, shaking.

"We're not going to die, right?" she murmured, looking up at John.

"Of course not." John said. "Vriska and Dave will protect us." Nepeta nodded, when she saw John was gripping his arm. Her eyes widened when she saw blood drip down.

"He was hit!" she yelped. "John was hit!" Vriska whipped around and aimed her gun at John.

"No!" Dave jumped in front of her. "Don't shoot him!" She gripped the gun, trembling.

"Check him." she grunted. Dave turned to John, walking towards him. John's eyes were wide, tears falling.

"I-I wasn't hit, Dave." he hiccupped. "P-Please." Dave hugged him.

"Calm down. Let me see it." Dave rolled up John's sleeve, exposing the wound. It was a single gash down his forearm, bleeding still. "It's not a scratch." he said. "There would've been two or three more marks. He must've gotten caught on something. John's not infected." Vriska sighed with relief.

"Good. To be honest, I wasn't going to kill him. I mean, I have guts, but that isn't my job." Dave wrapped up John's arm with a ripped piece of cloth from his own jacket, quiet. He knew what Vriska meant. God forbid John was infected, he'd be the one to end him. "Is the wound going to be okay?" Dave pulled Vriska off to the side, dropping his voice to a whisper.

"For a day or two, but if we don't get him medicine to treat it, blood poisoning is possible." Vriska nodded.

"Kitty cat." Nepeta made her way over. "Let's check this place out, see if we can find anything useful. Then we can see if going outside is such a good idea." Nepeta nodded and followed Vriska through a door to another room. Dave took a look around the current room. There were a few stacks of boxes, still packaged, and a single boarded up window. Growling could be heard from the stalkers outside. Dave walked over to Karkat, who was sitting in a corner. Karkat glared at him.

"Why did you do that?" Dave growled.

"What, save us?"

"No, attract every goddamn stalker in the area! Tell me, what was the point?"

"To save us." Karkat said with a scowl. "We're not going to make it far. First kitty cat, then you, then Vriska." Dave returned the scowl.

"And you and John?" Karkat smirked. Dave yanked him up. "Listen here, because I'm warning you only once. Touch John, try to hurt one of the girls, or try to get us killed, I'm ending you. Got it?" Karkat nodded. Dave let him go, going over to John, who was curled up against the wall. Dave sat next to him, and he looked up. The young Strider smiled softly. "Hey." John returned the smile, leaning against Dave.


"You still scared?"

"A bit, but I know you and Vriska will protect us." He closed his eyes, exhausted from the events. Dave nodded.

"We will. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." John reached over, holding his hand up. Dave noticed and took it, intertwining their fingers. John's hand was small and cold compared to Dave's.

"You're going to have to break that promise one day." he muttered, yawning. Dave frowned.

"I'm not. I'm not going to let you die."

"Believe what you want, but don't let it affect you when it hap-"

"It won't happen!" John looked up at Dave, and was surprised to see tears falling. "It won't happen, because I won't let it. I don't want to lose you, John. I don't want to lose my best friend." John hugged Dave, nuzzling his neck.

"I'm sorry." he murmured. Dave sighed, hugging back.

"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." John nodded, falling asleep. Dave rested his head on the other boy's head, staying alert. In the other room, Vriska had to smile at the two.

"They're going to be just fine." she said quietly as Nepeta tripped over a box, hissing.

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