Here Comes The Sun

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Alan woke up the next morning in his room. Although he had forgotten how he had gotten there. For now he didn't worry about it. The small alarm clock sitting on the night stand, by his bed, had displayed the time 5:30 o' clock. Way too early... But he had to get up because today was the start of his first day as a junior in highschool. Wonderful... He thought to himself. School. Not the place Alan really enjoyed. For one he was picked on a lot for apparently being a bit of a know-it-all through his school days. And the worst part about it was that it wasn't just one specific person who picked or bullied him about it, but basically his entire year. And sooner or later the entire school. And surely enough it wasn't the best thing a kid could wish for.

Alan rolled out of his bed complaining inside his mind: Why do I have to go to school? All anyone ever does is pick on me. Once he had got himself completely out of bed and more awake than he was before he grabbed his clothes, he had apparently laided out the night before. Undressing himself from his nightwear and into a pair of pants, the color of navy blue, with a collared long sleeved shirt, a black tie, a khaki colored vest, and to top it all off a matching black jack with the insignia of his school sewn on the left side of the chest area. Before Alan had left his room and down to the kitchen he had slipped on a pair of white socks. Now Alan was fully dressed. Grabbing his glasses off of his nightstand he headed downstairs to finish off his morning before leaving for school.

Alan entered the kitchen and grabbed an apple sitting in a bowl by the refrigerator. The first floor of his house was fairly empty except for Alan himself. It was quite a large space for one person. All Alan heard was the the ringing of silence that went through his ears. It was a quiet morning. Alan took a few bits of his apple wondering what the time was. His flip phone sat on the small kitchen table. Looks like I forgot to take my phone upstairs with me last night. Alan shook his head and grabbed his phone off the table and walked over to living room couch to sit down. He opened the phone and watched it light up to the home screen. 6:45 in the morning: time for him to leave for school. Time flies way too quickly, or it just took him long to actually get out of bed. Alan stood up and closed his phone and dropped it in his pants pocket. Alan walked to the front door and took the keys from a drawer in a small table by the door and unlocked the door. Taking the keys out from the lock Alan proceeded into opening the closet, that was also nearby, to obtain his school bag.

Locking his door behind him he set out for school. The morning day was nice and cool. The sky was painted with different shades of pink and orange, from dark to light. A perfect morning sky in Alan's opinion. In the air there blew a small breeze. And with it carried the scent of different kinds of flowers that grew in the neighborhood. Alan loved that smell it was also one of the things that helped him calm down and feel at peace. Even though the day was still young the walk to school was the most Alan ever looked forward to during the day. Alan took his time in walking to school. He watched the sky as the clouds shifted through the air and start to change color from shades of beautiful pink and orange to a light blue.

Only ten minutes later Alan had arrived at Reaper High School. Although Alan had been going to this school for the last two years he had always found the name of his school odd. Stepping on to the ground of the school he walked through the courtyard that divided the border from the actual building itself. Off to the sides of the sidewalk that ran through the courtyard Alan could see a few people were already here. To his left-hand side: there were two people closest to him. At the best estimate they were freshman, one being a female, with hair the color of amber, and the other being a male, who hair reminded Alan of the season of autumn and black framed glasses that almost made the boy look like he was impersonating a fighter pilot. As Alan had glanced their way, and the boy noticed him. But the orange-haired boy just smile and waved, and soon enough the girl copied her orange haired friend. It was a shock but Alan waved back and kept walking.

Just before he could turn his attention back straight forward he saw a flash of long flaming crimson hair rush past him, almost making him stumble back but enough to make a sudden stop, attempting not to get hit. The only person with that bright red of hair was Grell Sutcliff, a classmate of Alan's as well as a good friend of his. If Grell is here, then he must not be far behind. And sure enough he walked right past: raven-colored slicked back hair, serious expression on his face, and square framed glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. William T. Spears, another one of Alan's good friends. William looked at Alan as he passed by and stopped walking. "Good morning, Alan." He greeted in a formal way.

"Good morning, William." He replied, then looking back in the direction of where the redhead had ran. "What did Grell to this time?"

William let out a sigh, "Honestly, he kept clinging to me like usual. Nothing I can't handle on my own, though." William then left after Grell. For a 17 year old teenager, William was very sophisticated and serious; almost like the businessman. He moved on, making his way into the building.

This school had three floors, not including the two basements,each with about 50 to 70 classrooms on each level. It was like being lost in a maze whether you were new or old this school, it was impossible to find your correct class without it taking you a good 10 extra minutes. It was insane. As Alan pushed the corridors open to the first floor he shuffled around in his bag for his schedule. Finally found it. Let's see my first class is chemistry.  Chemistry... What is that exactly? I can't remember. Oh well. I guess I'll have to find out. I hope it's interesting. Now where to go. Marked right next to the class name was the room number. Room number 012. First basement. Not as bad as Alan thought. Alright let's get going.

7:05. Twenty minutes until the first bell rang, announcing the 'pre-start' of the day. That meant Alan had about twenty minutes to relax until school started.

By this time he had alreading was at his classroom, although the teacher hadn't arrived yet. One option out of many was to just sit by the class and wait. Alan chose that option, and that option only. Today of all days he did not want to be social at all.

Thud was the sound of his bag being dropped on the floor without care, it echoes through the empty floor. He slide down the wall and to the floor. Adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, he sighed. Sleep was consuming him. Not enough of it Alan only assumed. A yawn forced its way through the boy's mouth. One came after another and then Alan closed his emerald colored eyes, submitting to sleep. He was needing this.

Alan was lightly shook awake. "Hey, Alan. Wake up, lad." The voice who woke him. It was familiar. Who'd it belong to? Grell? Definitely not. His voice was much higher, almost like a girl's. William? Couldn't have been. It was way too informal for his taste. His vision then cleared up. Standing above him was a boy, haired combed to the left side. It was the boy from the library. There was a moment of revelation for Alan. "Eric?!"

AN: Hahahaha! Pretty boring and crappy chapter if you ask me... *sigh* Oh well I tried my best. Especially when you are sick most of the week and can't even think straight, it's really hard to write a story, you know? Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and plan on reading this farthur... Enjoy your day guys! I'll talk to you next chapter! HASTA LA PASTA!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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