Rated R for Retartedly Scary

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So this Eridan tried to start a community of Home stuck mixed with the paranormal such as vampires, and sirens and whatnot.

Eridan: E

Ham "N" Cheese: HC

E- I thought it was going to be fun, but once I put the event into hangouts, everyone either didn't bother to answer, or didn't know what to do.

HC- Oh. :\ That really sucks. I just imagined

*Karkat turned into a vampire*

Uh. . . *Feferi was so jealous, she turned into a were-fish*

. . . . ((Cuz Feferi is a half fish))

E- XD Hahaha yes werefishes

HC- Under the soggy moonlight, where the were-fishes never go hungry, because they feed on fishes.

E- More fearsome than a ravenous piranha

HC- More intimidating than a numinous shark



No one. . . . Is saved. . . . From

/The *Were-fishes*/

E- *Scary horror music blasts*

HC- *Black Screen and then*

/Rated R for retartedly scary/

E- I'd watch that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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