Ya Boi's Brain Vomit Story

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Once upon a time there was an humanigator boy named Cheese. He had re-dyed his spikes a couple days after he was made fun of for having them pink. Cheese decided a nice electric blue would make him the talk of the swamp and get him in with the cool crocs.
His mind made, he snatched up his satchel in his alligator human mixed hand and ran out the door as fast as his short alligator legs could carry him.
Cheese ran to the drug store and grabbed his blue dye, painted his spikes, and went to find the other guys.
"Hey guys! How do y'all like my new spikes?"
"Yooooo broooooo," Knoghtly moaned in his direction, slapping his face in frustration. "You should've have consulted is before dying your hair! Blue is so not your colour."
"Oh," he said all his cheer gone. But he stood himself up and ignored the mean words. "I don't care what you say! I can do it my own way! If you don't like it, then go your own way. All I want is to have some real friends. I don't want to be the outsider anymore."
A girl named Kari came up to his side, and put her human crocodile hand on his shoulder. "I'll be your friend. You don't have to be ashamed. I quite like your spikes, it doesn't matter what they say."
"Hey guys look! It's porky dorky shevvrolet coming to the aid of stinky dinky montee!", croaked the tallest of the crocs.
"Good one Geophrey!", chuckled Kalle, a scrawny croc boy with a mean set of chops.
The three humanigators, Knoghtly, Geophrey, and Kalle stood there laughing and pointing. All of a sudden, a giant eagle the size of a mountain fell down and crash landed in a nearby lake. The water rose up in a tsunami of unmeasurable size and rushed towards the hair dye store. It carried all the dye towards the humanigators, and crashed around them, near drowning them due to them having half human lungs. When the water cleared, the humanigators emerged, sputtering from the mix of dyes and runoff water. Knoghtly, Geophrey, and Kalle looked down at their scales and spikes to see them dyed a muddy, dirty, dinky brown. Tears leaked from their eyes as they beheld the atrocity that was their existence. Cheese gasped.
"Look!" He exclaimed. He pointed to his scales, that shone with a shining array of rainbow colours. He laughed in the faces of the teasing humanigators and turned to go home and have a snack and a nap. The end.

Kari drowned but Cheese didn't really care cause he only knew her for 2 minutes. The end for real this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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