Chapter One

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"C'mon Ash you're going to be late for work again!" An annoying voice interrupted my beautiful dreamless sleep. "Fuck off." I replied not wanting to deal with this guys complaining. And guess what? The next thing I feel is this numskull jumping on me!

I lean my head up and am instantly drenched in water, well I'm hoping it was water at least. "What the hell Si!" ,I yelled at my incompetent brother named Simeon. "Ashby you're going to be late for work again." he whined. Oh yeah he was right it's what, 7:58am!? Oh my shit I'm gonna be late for the fifth time, I quickly get up and suddenly remember my insufferable little brother was still on me because I hear a loud thud.

I laughed. Hard. "Oh my god Si that was hilarious, but get out I'm short on time and remember to get your paper into your boss today or she'll have your head." ,he grumbled knowing he has to or his work crush is going to fire him. I push him out of my room and get ready for work.

I take a quick 5 minute shower and stumble out of my bathroom while brushing my hair and getting out my green flannel and kakis. I run out to go and get some bread started in the toaster and quickly get the strawberry jam and butter out of the refrigerator. Quickly, I spread the two delicious spreads onto the crisp slices of toast and scarf them down. I put my dishes in the sink for my neat freak brother to clean later. I rush to the bathroom and brush my teeth, and run to get my work bag so I can make the long commute to work.

In case anyone was wondering, I work at Google as a software engineer. I'm usually the one with a lot of the big guys in the company and help them create their insane visions of phones or new Google front page games. "Hey Gretch!" I say as I wave to my friend Gretchen who is the receptionist of the whole damn place.

I get to my office and sit on my hanging bean bag chair and buzz my assistant Claudia. "Hey C, do I have any appointments today or can I work carefree on my project for Mr.Deity?" I ask professionally. "Yeah Ash you have a meeting with one Miss Kirghiz? You know here, any of the big guys mention her?" Claudia asked me, "Nah I don't know her, when should she be here by C?" I asked so I could make sure that I was ready mentally to meet a new person. "Says she scheduled to be meeting you in,, 15 minutes." she said calmly. "Ok thank you C love you mwah" I joked with her, she hates when I do that, "Ash stop, Eugene wouldn't like to hear that and you know that too." she was mentioning her oh so sweet boyfriend, he's so fucking annoying.

"Oh thanks C." and I hung up and waited for this mystery woman to appear for our supposed meeting. I started my diffuser and ended up falling asleep, curtesy of Colby waking me up of course. "Hello? Miss Gaston?" I heard a silky smooth woman's voice outside my office door. "Miss Kirghiz? I hope that's you and not any of my superiors." I chuckled a little nervously hoping it wasn't a supervisor that caught me sleeping.

"Sorry just me Miss Gaston, sorry for the abrupt meeting." she apologised to me. "But I really need to ask something of you." she quickly stated, "Go on?" I replied back to the strawberry blonde.

"I would like that you become my girlfriend, Miss Gaston." she asked while looking me sincerely in the eyes. Well, I think sleep deprivation got to me. And I stare at her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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