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This story takes place in Harry's 5th year. I don't think there is anything different from the book, but please tell me if there is.

Harry's POV

In theory, today is supposed to be a great day. I have no classes and very little homework. Unfortunately, Ron and Hermione are off on some prefect meeting thingy and I am extremely bored. It got to the point where I actually finished all of my homework and even did some ahead of time by the time we had lunch.

When I get down to the Great Hall, I find Ron, stuffing his face, and Hermione, looking absolutely disgusted. The usual.

"Thank Merlin you're here. I didn't know Hogwarts could possibly be so boring. What kind of meeting lasts the whole morning?"

"Well, we have to go back after lunch. It's supposed to take the whole day."

No. No way.

"It is?" asked Ron looking extremely surprised.

"Yes Ronald! Weren't you listening?"

"Will you hit me if I say no?"

Hermione shoots an angry glare towards Ron, and I feel I should intervene before I have to say goodbye to Ron forever.

"So, Hermione, what's the meeting about?"

"Oh, sorry, but we can't tell you. Only prefects are allowed to know."

"What?! Why?"
Really?! So, it was fine for the whole class to listen to Hermione's rant about classification of plants for the whole period of Herbology, but this I'm not allowed to know?

"Sorry Harry, prefects only."

"Oh shut up, Ron. You weren't even listening"

"Well Harry, Ron and I have to go now. See you at dinner!"

"See ya" I replied gloomily.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the twins pop up on either side of me.

"Ouch, that was rough" said Fred.

"I wouldn't want to be left out like that" added George.

"Well, it's not like you two are prefects either. Besides, the worst part about this is that I have nothing to do. I am bored out of my mind."

"Well, never fear, the amazing Fred and George can help you out."

"We, were just thinking of doing some pranks. Wanna join?"

"Sure, who's the subject?"


"and everyone"

Two years ago, I learned that my dad, Sirius, and Remus were known as the Marauders. They were famous for the pranks they pulled in Hogwarts. I think it's weird that in all my years here, I haven't pulled a single prank. My dad would probably be really disappointed. I did however manage to break a lot of rules. I mean that should count for something.

I followed Fred and George silently, and didn't ask any questions. A first I was confused as to where we were going, but recognized our destination as the Slytherin common room.

"How are we going to get inside? We need the password"

"We don't actually need to be inside."

"But this is the place where all the Slytherins go through"

"So, we made this thing."

"Basically, if you throw it at someone, they get completely covered in red and gold."

"So, they're basically paint balloons?"


"Never mind"

We each took a few balloons and hid behind some pillars. Soon we heard movement on the other side of the common room door, and out came a group of about ten Slytherins. As soon as George gave the signal, we all started throwing the balloons at them. When we were out of ammunition, we started running as fast as we could away from the Slytherin common room, and I tried my hardest to keep up with the twins.

"Do you even know who that was?" I said while trying to catch my breath.

"They're in our year."

"Typical Slytherins."

"Always pick on other kids"

"Then it's safe to say they got what they deserved." I said.

"Oh, yeah"

"We also made the paint was really hard to get out."

"Especially out of hair."

"Well, this was really fun." I said while laughing.

"Well, get ready for more"

"This was just a warm-up"

"A warm-up?"

"Yes, we're working on a much much more important prank"

"Care to venture a guess on who?"

"I really hope it's Umbridge"

"Then you're in luck"

Fred and George led me into an empty classroom where we started devising a master plan. We skipped dinner, and started to put things in motion during the night.

Third Person POV

At about 5 in the morning Professor Umbridge woke up to a terrible smell in her room. She tried opening the window, but for some reason it seemed glued shut. The only other option left was to out into the hallway. As soon as she set foot outside her door, she slipped and fell in something wet. Soon, her favorite pink nightgown was covered in black (Her least favorite color). She shrieked in horror and decided it was best to go into her room to change. She put on another nightgown and went back to sleep. 

What Professor Umbridge didn't know is that while she was lying in a puddle of paint, three students were tampering with her stuff. After 5 minutes of lying in bed, Dolores Umbridge started to itch. She itched everywhere and it was getting really frustrating. It turned out she was completely covered in a red rash.

She ran out of her room to go ask Professor Snape for a cure, but not before she got covered in red, yellow, blue, and green powder. When she opened her eyes, she noticed a small light coming towards her, and recognized it as a firework. It didn't look like it was going to stop, so Professor Umbridge started running down the hall screaming.

Harry's POV

In the end Umbridge, ended up screaming so loud, I'm pretty sure she ended up waking the entire castle. Originally, we wanted to dump red and gold paint on her, but since she's the problem of all of Hogwarts, we decided to include the colors of all Hogwarts houses.

When we were done, it was too late (or rather too early) to go to sleep, so we decided to play exploding snap until breakfast. At breakfast, I was greeted by a very angry Hermione.

"Where. Have. You. Been?!" asked Hermione while hitting me with a book. "You weren't at dinner! You didn't come to the dormitory! You were nowhere to be seen! I was worried sick!"

"Yeah mate, where were you?"

"Oh, sorry, but I can't tell you. Only non-prefects are allowed to know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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