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I'm not sure what to make of the woman. She stares at me beseechingly, pen scribbling viciously over the paper. Her appearance is distracting, and I find it hard to focus with her giant bright yellow curls, bright red glasses, and incredibly uncomfortable-looking green suit. I rub my sweaty palms on my jeans, and clear my throat.

"Um, aren't you going to ask questions?" I ask. She gives a little chortle, and sits back. 

 "I was just taking a moment to describe your physical attributes." she says, plucks the paper up, and shoves it in my face to show me. 

Mia Abena is an incredibly slim girl, with large eyes that look like they're about to form tears and a turned up nose. While at first glance a pleasure to see, closer examination tells me that she is actually quite ordinary, and always looks like she's smelling onions. Her accent, though, is thick and soothes the ears like honey.

 My hand shoots to my nose, and I turn a deep scarlet. Skeeter immediately writes that down. 

 "Now, to the questions, Ms. Abena." she clears her throat, making a wheezy sounnd. "What is your biggest fear that might be in the Triwizard Tournament?" 

 "Um, probably that someone will die? I know it's happened in the past."

 "Uh huh." Skeeter takes note. "Abena tells me that her biggest fear she might have to face is the death of another contestant. Does this mean she has a friendship with the other girls? Maybe ... a relationship?"

 "What?" I almost topple backward in my chair. "No! I just don't want anybody to die!"

 "Of course dear." she says, but doesn't change what she wrote. "Now, why did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" 

"Um, to have the experience, I guess. My uncle always told me about the tournaments, and I was so excited to maybe have the chance to be a part of it." 

"Oh, that's beautiful!" Her pen flies across the page. "Young Mia longs to please her strict uncle with success, and it's been her life-long dream. I can see the determination in her eyes, but also sadness. It appears that this furious character might do anything to win and please her only family member."

"I didn't say that!" I snap, "And he's NOT my only family member! I live with my parents."

 "Nest question." she continues, "What do you think will make you win in this competition?" I narrow my eyes at her, not answering for a moment. "Well?" she demands. 

 "Honestly, nothing." I say grudgingly, "What makes me better than any of the other contestants? I'm not exactly Harry Potter. I'm just ... regular." 

 "Poor Mia tells me, with tears in her eyes, how she feels self-conscious about her worth. Although a fiery determination burns in her, will it be her feelings of herself that pull her down?" I throw my hands up in the air and growl at the ceiling. Skeeter smirks. "Next. What do you hope to gain?"

 "I hope to gain being done with this interview." 

  "Mia is growing frustrated. Her emotions are practically pouring out as she yells and sobs. I try to sooth her, but she has broken down with the thoughts of her disapproving uncle and not winning the tournament. She tells me that the only thing that she wants to gain is happiness, that she can't find now."  I huff, and cover my face with my arm. 

"Don't worry, deary, we're almost done." she clears her throat again. "Now, what will you do if you win? Same goes for if you face a loss? What's next?" I rub my eyes, and straighten. 

"Um, if I were to win, I guess the very first thing I'd do would be to write my parents and uncle. They'd be pretty happy for me, I'm sure. I'll also be able to say I won for the rest of my life." I laughed. 

"And if you lost?"

"Then I lose. What else is there?"

"No revenge, no giant tantrums? Are you really going to walk away and shrug it off?" she gave a tiny titter. "This is the chance of a lifetime to show the world what's inside of Mia Abena! This is your chance at fame!" I just stare at her and shrug. She huffs, unimpressed, and writes something down. 

"Alright. Last one. Do you consider yourself a better witch than the other Champions?" she says. 

"What? No!" I stutter. "What makes me better than the others? I'm just someone who happened to get their name pulled." She narrows her eyes at me, her pointy nose wrinkling. 

"You are incredibly boring, Mia Abena." 

"Can I go, now?"

Huff. "Fine." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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