Chapter 5: The brake up

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A/N:: Hi everyone. After publishing I noticed plenty of mistakes in the first 4 chapter's I will not make up excuses (although I have one) but I promise that I will try and get someone else to  proof read each chapter before punishing.
N/B imma try

Neo's voice is soothing and his reasoning as to why his ghostin makes me want to forgive him. Will I be a bad person if I leave him? Will he hurt me later on...

"I understand." The only words I find fitting at the moment. I looked into his red like eyes and his large lips and I'm immediately drawn to them. His eyes look at me hungry for an response. I'm hypnotized  by his by the lines on his lips. Trying to fight temptation I look up.

"Look Neo, I don't think I can do this..."

His voice, louder then mine cuts  me off. "Please don't."

"I can't..." Tears fall from down his face making me me even more sad.

Am I doing the wrong thing? From the red in his eyes in can tell he loves me. But is love enough. Im confused.

"Okay at least give me time to think about it." I ran of leaving him to collect himself.

Once at home I run to my room and into my shower. My eyes start to tear up
Ángel walks in to Ku room. She can hear me crying. Not wanting to bother me she walks down stairs and gets me muffin's and juice.

"Ange, please come down once you done!" my sisters concerned voice calls me from down  stairs.


Walking down the stairs in my over sized hoodie I see my sister standing patiently waiting for me. She has a tray of food, comfort food waiting for me. She walks me to the loving room puts the food on my favorite sofa and sits across me.

"Tell me what what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong.'' My lie only making tears fall from my eye's. Her hand so soft holds wiped away my tears as she slowly tilts my head to make me look at her.

"Now the truth please."

I let out a sigh and tell her everything that happened this morning with Neo. She dose not stop me. She sits there listening to every single word I say, her hand wiping my tears and her mouth shut.

"I'm contused Ángel, what should I do? I still like him.",

My sister sits there in silence. All she dose is look at me. We sit like this for about 4 minutes. She smile's and  hugs me, her hands not so tight and her warmth giving into me as she lays my head on her shoulder to let me cry. After 7 minutes of salty like tears  she stands up to get me a notepad and walks away.

My sister knows her silence is Golden. She leaves me to my thoughts as I write a song, well 5 to be exact but one stands out from the rest. Find me.

[The next day. 01:27]

My phone rings and I'm in just not in the mood to move. But seeking that I'm sleeping on the sofa I force myself off and move to my room with !y phone in my hand.

[Unknown 01:25 to Ange]
Can we talk? Please.

[Ange 01:26 to Unknown]
Not to be rude or anything who is this?

[Unknown 01:26 to Ange]
I'm calling you, we need to talk

[Phone call from Unknown]

"Hello..." My voice stained and only sending though waves of confusion.

"Can we talk?" The voice that went through the reserver cracked and sounds of crying came with it. The person is trying to to hide of but it's clear that something is not wrong. But still oblivious to the fact I don't know who is on the other side if the line I keep quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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