6/27/14 3:17 am BITTERSWEET

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I can't help. UT think that I'm supposed to do something. Not necessarily a great something. Just something to get my mind off him. It's been 4 months... but i cant even wrap my head around not seeing him every day. When he left me, the first thought that went through my head was 'inhale'.  Inhale because I was too afraid thay if I kept breathing, I would have to face the reality that is now.

       His name... His name makes me hurt. It makes me hurt in my stomache, and my head. And my chest. Oh my chest... it's been through so much. All this pain and hardship. I almost feel bad for it...

    When I hear from him. It's like the while world stops. All I can hear is his voice saying the things he messages me. Nothing else matters. Nothing at all, I cannot feel anything else. But the other part is... When I hear from him, it feels like a shot of numbness and pain go through my body. And it's bitter sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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