Go Figure

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Life is so strange at this time of the year. It's not quite Christmas but it's Christmas go-time, and it's not quite holidays but I'm so ready to relax (and not be sick).
I've got a lot of things on my plate at the moment, some of them easier to get rid of then others,
but this poem came from a... well... we can just call it an unequal relationship.

Even if this poem makes me want to shout from the rooftops in frustration,
I'm really quite pleased with how it turned out.

As always, penny (or a cookie, perhaps a whole cake) for your thoughts!
Have fun storming castles and conquering literary worlds. Xx

"I tried to help you, but you drained me.
And then you drowned me to float."

Go figure where I'm going
You've been pushing me away
I can do my own thing
Regardless of what you say

It hurts, what you've been saying,
Yes I'll admit that's true
But it hurts far worse to know
I'm kinda over you

Go figure where I'm going
Don't tell me no one cares
I've been here though thick and thin
Yet you're still sending glares

It hurts, what you've been thinking,
Yes I'll admit that's so
But it hurts far worse to say
I'm not gonna go

Go figure where I'm going
You can do it on your own
I need to focus elsewhere
You can pick another bone

It hurts, what you've been doing,
Yes I'll admit that's it
But it's freeing to realise
I'm allowed to quit

~ MallaHarkness04

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