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Noriko found herself on the rooftop with the boys volleyball team.

Kuroo had invited her. She almost, almost forgot but since she had nobody else-and also that Kozume reminded her.

"You play volleyball?" A third year, namely Yaku Morisuke asked.

"I was the ace and team captain of the Shiratoizawa female volleyball team." Noriko said proudly, a bit saddened, quite obvious to those observant-namely, Kenma Kozume.

"Why'd you move here?" Inuoka So, a first year asked. He wasn't caught up on the second and third year drama and news-which most came from the seconds and the third years had to clean up the messes-mostly the student council and teacher's pets. The third years were usually chill, calm and collected and just ready to move on from Nekoma.

Please don't say a word,
I beg of you.

She stared at Kuroo, then Kenma, and turned to the first years, "I just...couldn't keep up with Shiratoizawa I guess, my parents moved to the Kanto region, since that's where my dad's new work is.." It was half a lie, since they had to get new jobs to move here.

None of the other second or third years said a word to counter it-as they knew, they shouldn't mess with Noriko, delinquency or not.

Thank the lord.

"You should join us!" Kuroo smiled.


"As the manager," Kozume added. He didn't say anything about the permission slip.

Nori smiled faintly, "I dunno...I'm planning on joining the light music club."

"You can sing?" Yaku asked.

"Err-sort of? I play the drums-and I...er, sing, but apparently they don't 'go together,' or that's what the principal says." Nori scoffed, air quoting 'go together.'

She enjoyed lunch with the volleyball team more than she expected. "Do you want to join?" Kozume asked on the way to class.

"I filled out the form already."


"Whether or not things go smoothly, I was going to join regardless..."

"You're going to give it to the coach?" He asked.

"I will during free period."


"Last period, they should arrive at school about an hour before right?"

Kozume nodded.

As they walked through the halls to class, someone shoved Kozume. "Sorry." He mumbled. His papers fell. They shot Kozume a dirty look.

Damn bastard.

"Watch where you go." They scoffed.

"Hey!" Nori forcefully grabbed the culprit.

"What the hell bitch?"

That's the same kid from Homeroom.
Kobayashi, was it?

"I'd like you to apologize to my friend." She said harshly, a death glare and all.

"No. He bumped into me."

"I saw it with my own eyes, I might be dumb but I wasn't born yesterday, Kobayashi."

"Tch. Get out, bitch."  Kobayashi muttered, grabbing the collar of Noriko's uniform and tossing her back.

She stumbled backwards, crashing into a nearby student. "Hey! Watch it!"

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