Accidents Happen

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Warnings-  Contains wetting (I believe that's all correct me if Im wrong)

Ship- Prinxiety (Roman x Virgil) 

AU- Road Trip 

Not Requested 

~12:00 AM~ 

Patton wanted to go on a road trip with everyone to a water-park. He wanted to spend "family time" with everyone as he called it. Logan was driving, Patton was in the passenger-seat, Roman was in the back-seat behind Logan, and Virgil was next to Roman behind Patton. Virgil was trying to keep his squirming unnoticeable. He hadn't gone to the bathroom since about 4:30 AM it was now  the afternoon. Virgil wished he'd gone to the bathroom before they left. As it didn't matter if he made it to a bathroom at the gas station Logan was going to in order to fill up the car's gas, he was terrified of public bathroom's. The anxiety of someone hearing him being to much for him. "Logan how much longer til we get to the gas station" Roman asked while trying to straighten up his leg. "About 2 more hours, would you like me to pull over so you could stretch ?" Logan asked. '2 more hours, i'm not sure i can hold it that long' Virgil thought while pressing his thighs together as tightly as possible.  "No, i'll be fine til we get to the gas station." Roman responded.  

~About an hour later~ 

Virgil was struggling to not squirm, but he couldn't help it. Roman noticed and looked over at him. Roman whispered "Hey, what's wrong, you're moving around a lot." Virgil whispered back "I really need g-go..." Roman knew Virgil was scared of public bathrooms, but if Virgil was ever in a situation like this while they were out in public he always helped him. " Logan how much longer til we get to the gas station?" Roman asked while putting his hand on Virgil's thigh. "About another hour or so.....I'm not really sure it kinda depends on the traffic." Logan responded. Virgil quietly whimpered at this statement.  Roman whispered "How bad is it?" Virgil whispered back "R-really bad.....the last time I went was at 4:30 this mo-morning." "Aw Storm-Cloud, I'm sorry " Roman whispered. Roman then got an idea. Roman reached over and undid the button on Virgil's jeans and move his seat-belt so it wasn't pressing down on his bladder. "Is that any better Storm-Cloud?" Roman asked. "yeah a little bit, thanks Ro" Virgil responded.  

~Another hour later~ 

Virgil was on the edge. He couldn't hold it for much longer. Virgil shoved his hand between his thighs in order to hold himself. He didn't care who saw anymore the pain was to bad. Roman noticed. Virgil gripped himself tighter. "Logan  how much longer do you think it's gonna take to get to the gas station ?" Roman asked. "I don't know maybe another hour" Logan asked.  Virgil wined at Logan's answer. "You alright Kiddo?" Patton asked looking back at Virgil. "No I'm not alright, I really need to go. " Virgil said tears forming in his eyes. "Virgil how bad had it gotten?" Roman asked. "Bad, It really hurts" Virgil whimpered. "Virge if it's that bad just go" Logan said. "what no I couldn't do that" Virgil said. " Virgil everything can be cleaned, I don't want you to hurt yourself and I'm pretty sure Roman doesn't either." Logan said. "N-No I couldn't" Virgil said. "Then let me help you" Roman said. Roman the pushed down on Virgil's bladder. Virgil let out a yelp of pain as a long stream of pee came out of him. He shoved his hands between his thighs to stop the flow. "No, don't do that" Roman said. Roman then pushed down on Virgil's bladder again. This time Virgil gave in and didn't stop the flow. "I-I'm s-sorry Lo-Logan" Virgil said once he finally stopped. "Don't be Virgil" Logan responded. Just the the cars started moving.

They got to the gas station and clean the car and Virgil. They then left and continued their way to the water-park without anymore accidents. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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