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GLOWING EYES, chapter twelve.
⠀⠀⠀ BILL WAS GONE. ⠀⠀⠀The second she felt his presence disappear from beside her, every inch of her body became submerged in ice-cold water, restricting her lungs and making it hard to breathe. Every inhale brought more worry as if it was an airborne virus destined to destroy her from the inside out. The only cure was Bill - but he was gone.
The shadows ate him whole, swallowing his silhouette with its sickening grin and misleading hallucinations, the fear personifying into the inky blackness. It started to burrow it's way into her bones, making every movement shed more and more anxiety into her being. This must have been what he felt like every time Rue got into trouble. She made a mental note to not endanger herself. At least not when he was around.
But that was something she could think about later because, at that exact moment, she was stuck in a vortex of her friends screaming his name, begging for him to come back, all whilst being dragged through the winding tunnels that she was sure she would meet her demise in.
Suddenly, as if her entire body had been dialled up to eleven, everything became clear. She recognised it as the fateful rush of adrenaline and wasted no time clasping it's glowing hand and accepting it's help for as long as it stuck around. They ran and ran and ran, Rue couldn't fathom how long they had been running for, nor where they were going, but the growing dread in the pit of her stomach made her realise that it really, really wasn't good.
The group stumbled their way through a round opening, landing with a disgusting squelch on piles of garbage and greywater. Casting her narrowed eye around the chasm, the first thing Rue noticed was the girl floating around ten feet in the air. Short, choppy hair. A dress that daintily rested on her knees, and milky white skin.
"Beverly!" She cried, tripping over her own feet as she came to a shuddering stop beneath her, fruitlessly reaching up with shaking hands to try and grab any part of her that she could. She was too far up.
Damien ran out beside Richie, the boys hand in hand as to not lose each other. They could feel each other tremble at the sight of their best friend... floating. Her face was blank, eyes as white as pearls, mouth agape as if she was frozen in mid-scream. The boy couldn't help but grasp the baseball bat tighter, knuckles turning pallid. He was ready to swing if he needed to.