Part 3: Orientation

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Levi and Azra woke up at around the same time. They got dressed and then quickly made their way to their separate orientations. 

" See you afterward " Azra voiced

Levi walked down multiple halls until he found a room marked student A orientation. He sat down quickly in one of the front row seats. 

A man with a salt and pepper beard, honey brown eyes standing at six feet tall began to speak 

" Hello, jinn, every student in this room except the ones on stage is a Jinn a newbie to magic. As such the students here on stage will tell you of the wonders of Nightbane Uni. " 

A boy with blackened skin and crimson eyes stepped up to the front of the stage. 

" My name is Castiel, I'm a ritual major as such I know the importance of having something outside of your body to channel magic. In the crates on the ground hold many wands and staffs, when I open them you must say Ti rivendico

With a flip of his wrist, the crates flew open. 

" Ti rivendico " Levi chanted 

Emerald green energy consumed Levi's hands as it drew closer a sapphire and black steel crescent staff. 

" In all the witch tv-shows a witch wears a hat on their head, those hats are magic items where you can store items inside

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" In all the witch tv-shows a witch wears a hat on their head, those hats are magic items where you can store items inside. As you can see i keep my witches hat on, where ever I go. " A silver-haired girl continued 

" Today you'll leave this place talked to death with stylish hats and powerful staffs or wands. " 

The silver-haired girl snapped her thin fingers, two dozen witch hats floated down to their new owners. 

Levi received a black old west wide brim hat. 

" As long as the hat is on your head you can summon anything from the hat " 

After the silver-haired girl stopped talking the adults began to explain the costumes and culture of the campus. 


Azra sat bored as some man with ivory green eye spoke about the way the school works and class schedules, and the policy on self-teaching. 

" Now that, that's over let me give you something exciting, its best that while learning magic and beyond that, you use a wand or staff when I flip open the crates say Ti rivendico

The girl summoned a purple wand, with a single flick of it the crates flew open 

" Ti rivendico " Azra called 

Dark blue energy wrapped around his right hand as a wand of black shaft and handle came flying toward him. At closer inspection, Azra realized that the wand was wrapped with an emerald snake. 

Soon after the same girl forced two dozen and a half witch hats into the air

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Soon after the same girl forced two dozen and a half witch hats into the air. A white old west wide brim hat landed on Azra's head. 

" You may leave to rest before tomorrow's classes " a deep-voiced exclaimed  

Azra raced down many a hall until he came to a small garden where he sat down and relaxed after being cramped in that tiny room.   

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