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It was your first day at your new internship. With a little help and hard work you had landed a job with a music video director. As if having the first day jitters wasn't enough, an hour into your first day you discovered today the office would be pitching a music video idea to none other than 5 Seconds of Summer and you HAD to come with.

You spent the next few hours trying not to pass out due to nervousness but all that mental preparation and pep talks did not prepare you to the way you felt when those four pairs of eyes turned and looked at you. You felt yourself blush and trip on your own feet as you made your way in, keeping your eyes on the ground to avoid any attention. Still, you felt their eyes on you. Intently watching.

Your heart was about to beat out of your chest, your hands shaking but even then you didn't want to screw things up. You did not want to screw up this huge opportunity you have earned. You stood there in the back as the director pitched the idea to the group and their management. When they called a break to deliberate on the idea, you walked over to the water fountain to get some water. But as soon as you turned around with water in hand, you almost right into a tall, fit, pale and purple hair boy.

"Hi... I'm Michael..." he said with a huge grin as he held onto your arms to steady you. Again the butterflies came rushing back as your heartbeat sped up again. And you knew, you knew the feelings wouldn't disappear because his next words confirmed it. "Really hope to see you during the filming of the video. It will be fun."

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