Chapter 1

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(where? Where am I?)

Rubbing her eyes open, Akari's hand moved to her temple, trying to soothe her aching head. Her sight was still blurry. Or was it because of the rain? She glanced around. When did she-

All she could see were trees. She was in a forest. While she's still wondering how and when did she get into the forest, she suddenly caught a familiar shrieking voice. Her body tensed up, chills running into her entire body.

No, no no no!!!

Fighting her dizziness, she hastily rised onto her feet, running as fast as she could. Glancing behind her, her eyes widened in bewilderment. Two, no, three monstrous looking zombies were running towards her.

Why the heck-

Trying to pick up the speed, she tripped, sliding in the slippery, muddy ground. Towards the cliff.

"Watch out!!"

A warm, big, gloved hand caught hers in time, right before she fall off the cliff. Akari could feel her body being pulled with a considerable strength, and she landed on top of her savior.


"Oh my, I'm so sorry... Thanks... I mean, sorry-"

Her words stopped abruptly as she realized how close she is to him. His brown eyes look equally shocked, before quickly turned into cautious mode, and shifts past her shoulder. The zombies were closing in, there wouldn't be enough time for him to slash them.


Still lying down and pinned by Akari, knowing that he barely have time to release himself from her, he pulled out his gun from its holster, swiftly aiming it and pulled the trigger. One. Two. Three shots. And three thudding noises. Hesitantly, Akari turned her head and saw her hideous pursuers lying motionlessly few meters behind. Their blackened blood spilled out of their heads. She winced in disgust before finally letting out a relieved sigh.

It was just then she realized she's still on top of her savior, their faces were incredibly close to each other. Blushing from embarrassment, she immediately muttered an apology and jumped off.

Finally freed from her, he stood up, offering a hand to her, yet his eyes refused to meer hers, since he's also equally embarrassed. Now that they're safe, she could catch the glimpse of him under the bright light of the moon.

Brown hair, brown eyes. Clad in black shirt and crimson colored jacket, and headband. He put his gun back into the holster attached on his right hip. On his left hip strapped his sword. And she could also spot a star tipped spear lying on the ground right beside him. This guy must be a Zombie Hunter.

Fixing his fingerless gloves, he glanced at her through the corner of his eyes. He was just about to open his mouth when a rustle from nearby bushes startled both Akari and him. He quickly picked his spear up and take stance.

"My, my Yuki. I thought you said you sensed zombies? Yet you're here for a- tryst?"

The owner of the voice popped out, flashed a dashing smile as he walked closer to Akari. Definitely more mature than the spear-wielding man he called Yuki, his outfit was rather simple; a white shirt, brown coat, and jeans; yet, the sex appeal he exuded was way too strong. Akari spotted a rather long sword he carried, quickly identifying him as another Zombie Hunter. Grumbled, Yuki lowered his spear.

"to think I would see the day Yuki meets his Angel... or, would you rather be my Angel?" He smoothly picked her hand into his, bringing it to his lips, only to have it stopped as Yuki grabbed him by the wrist.

"Don't joke around, Shi- Tiger. I only saved her from charging directly into the cliff like a wild boar. And please, we're on the hunt. Don't call me that."

The guy called Tiger chuckled in amusement, ruffling Yuki's hair fondly as if he's a little boy, much to Yuki's chargin. His protest was understandable; Zombie Hunters must create codenames for themselves and call each others with that said codenames. The reason for it was still unknown, but rumors said it has something to do with the zombies ability.

Ignoring his grumbles, Tiger walked towards the zombie bodies, unsheathing his long sword, readying himself. Just right before he slashed them, the zombies moved again.

"Tiger, watch out!"

Yuki shouted in panic, charging with his spear ready. While guns are effective to disable the zombies, they need to be cut down by the head, thus the reason Zombie Hunters need to carry swords, or any other type of blades regardless their weapon preference.

A shadow swiftly charged in, slashing one of the zombies head in one swift motion, while a kunai embedded into the other zombie's forehead. Tiger quickly slashed the last remaining zombie down.

"You two are so slow..."

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