Part 1

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The loud hollow ringing from a nearby bell tower is what wakes Dave Strider from a surprisingly deep slumber. He's sprawled out on the campus lawn, with just enough shade to comfortably shield him from the afternoon sun blanketing his face. He blinks a few times behind his shades, a little disoriented from waking up somewhere other than his dorm room that he'd moved into just a few days prior. It takes him a second to remember laying down with the intention of getting his chill on in the motherfucking grass for a few minutes since he had some time to kill before his next class at 1. He reaches in his pocket and grabs his phone to check the time.



He'd managed to sleep through his economics lecture. Like he needed to attend that class anyway. He knows damn well he could school the hell out of anyone on the topic of economics. Could probably manipulate the entire stock exchange if he felt like it. But skipping class during the first week of your freshman year at university seems to be in poor taste no matter how well you understand a subject.

Sighing, Dave unlocks his phone and opens the PesterChum app. He glances at the short list of friends next to his profile and stares at it solemnly for a few seconds before tapping on one to open a chat window. Out of his three best friends there's only one he's really kept in touch with regularly lately. Jade doesn't get internet very often since she's been studying some weird rare plant in the Amazon, but she does do an excellent job of keeping up with her pals via snail mail.

John has been on a huge European excursion with his dad for the past month and doesn't have cell service anywhere. He's made sure to send a shitload of postcards along with photos of him looking like an absolute dork in front of European national monuments though. Dave feels really lucky to have friends like he does, and appreciates the lengths they go to to keep in touch with each other. This doesn't keep him from missing his daily dose of Harley and Egbert of course. He sighs one more time and starts typing in the chat window.

———turntechGodhead began pestering tentacleTherapist———

TG: lalonde

TT: Oh, good afternoon Dave.

TT: I thought you said you had class until 2:30.

TT: Did it let out early?

TG: no i fucked up and slept through it

TG: which is weird because

TG: im usually pretty good about like being on time and shit?

TG: whatever not like it matters

TG: how important can the first week of class even be

TG: if im gonna have any hiccups in my attendance i guess we should just get that out of the way right off the bat ykno

TG: why save my excused absences when i can just start a little bit later than everyone else

TG: skip the icebreakers and get-to-know you games

TG: i can stroll in next thursday ready to get down to business

TG: like

TG: im sorry i thought thats what we were all here to do

TG: not sit around and listen to everyones shitty fun facts about themselves

TT: Clearly you have elevated expectations on how seriously academia should be taken.

TT: Maybe everyone should follow your bold example and sleep through class as well?

Dorm Room Sleepover (JohnDave Fluff)Where stories live. Discover now