Part 2

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 After walking through campus they finally get to Dave's building. He takes John up to the fourth floor and uses a weird magnetic key to open the door to his dorm. Dave holds out his arms to welcome John into his new college abode. From the looks of the place Dave had already settled right in.

"Welcome to Casa de Strider," announces Dave. There were two lofted beds in the room, one on either side and each with a desk underneath. Dave kept his stuff entirely on one side of the room despite there appearing to be no other person moved in.

"Aren't you supposed to have like, a roommate?" asks John. He motions to the empty bed on the other side of the dorm.

"Oh yeah. Apparently I don't lol. Guess I got kinda lucky. They said it could change throughout the year though, kids change dorms all the time for different reasons. But for now it's just me. Which is kinda sick? I can work on shit and not worry about directly bothering anyone,"

Dave motions to his set of turntables situated nicely on his desk. At the moment his tablet and pen sit on top of them meaning Dave probably just finished another page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff recently. John smiles while panning the room and seeing all of Dave's personal touches. He thinks it's cool Dave has so many hobbies and interests. I mean duh. Dave's pretty fucking cool. "You can put your stuff in the closet over there by the way," Dave mentions as he places his backpack on the floor next to his desk.

"Cool thanks," John walks over, opens the closet and the next thing he knows he's knocked on his ass while letting out a big "oof" sound. "What the fuck? Dave what's with all these shitty swords??" John motions to the ridiculous pile of shitty swords that had fallen from the closet and were now covering most of his legs.

"Oh shit I forgot," Dave says as he walks over to help his friend up. "Bro left these in here when I moved in. Wanted to make me feel more at home or something." Dave offers his hand to John to pull him up from the shitty sword pile. John gladly accepts and Dave hoists him up to his feet.

Dave pulls slightly too hard and John ends up falling a little too far forward. He has to step back and brace a hand on John's waist to steady him.

"Whoops," says John looking up at Dave from where his face had fallen into Dave's chest.

Dave feels his face flushing looking down at John's clumsy little smile. As he feels his face getting warmer he quickly removes his hand from its position on Johns waist and turns around.

"So uh... pizza? Yeah?" Dave's voice cracks a bit and he coughs to try and cover it up. His sudden recoil leaves John stunned for a second but he quickly shakes it off.

"Oh! Yeah of course... but first I think there's something we should do." Dave looks back at John and he's wearing a mischievous grin that makes Dave a little nervous. Why is he so nervous? Pull it together dude it's just John...

But that's just it isn't it. John makes Dave extremely nervous.

Dave's heart speeds up as he thinks about how to respond to the vague proposition. He struggles to keep it together as he stutters, "U-uh... what do you mean?"

John creeps closer to Dave as he says, "We should.... make a blanket fort!" Dave relaxes his face and exhales. He hadn't realized he was holding his breath. He quickly recovers to seem calm cool and collected like always.

"Oh duh. Absofuckinglutely."

Dave and John make quick work of turning Dave's dorm into a pillow paradise. They use both beds as support, just another perk of Dave having a room all to himself. With blankets draping around both loft beds, they use the space in the middle as the ideal spot for their blanket nest. Once they finish they take a step back and admire their hard work. After wiping away a fake tear John quickly dives right into the blanket nest and gets comfortable. He pats the space next to him motioning for Dave to come join him. Dave smirks and grabs the pizza and his laptop so John can pick a movie for them to watch.

Dorm Room Sleepover (JohnDave Fluff)Where stories live. Discover now