Letter 5 January 1,1943

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Dear Carol,
It's a new year and that means we're getting closer to being together. However it's getting rougher by the minuet we're losing more men everyday it's hard I got my hand caught in some wire it's nothing bad just a little cut. Carol baby I'm exhausted and beat physically I try not to show it and I know it's not what you want to hear but I can't hold it in any longer. I've been thinking about those tiny pies you bake they were amazing the cherry ones were my favorite you always made sure to keep one for me do me a favor beautiful save one for me when I get home so we can share one together. I got your two recent letters your scent fills them it gives me the chills when I open them I love it it's so unique I can't even describe it it's one of a kind. It reminds me when I first met you we were just kids I saw you in class and you looked beautiful in that yellow dress we were in the 7th grade and The thought of speaking to you made me nervous. you were so vibrant your smile was bright and Those eyes green as grass maybe that's not the best word to choose haha but they are beautiful just like everything else about you. I gotta go ok I'll write to you later I love you pretty girl.

               With all the love in my heart

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