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it was morning.

the day was already pretty boring.

even though it had just started.

it was a saturday.

usually Saturday's are fun.

but today didn't feel like it.

bill and stan were still sleeping in bed.

bills arm over stan's which was placed there by accident.

stan was the first one up.

he noticed bill's arm on him and carefully removed it.

he got up to go use the bathroom.

when he came back bill was still asleep.

so he decided to go downstairs.

georgie was up.

he was eating pancakes and watching spongebob.

"hey stan."

"hey georgie."

"is bill awake."

"not yet."

"okay, want some pancakes? i made them."

"of course."

georgie placed his plate on a beat by coffee table and got up.

there was a plate with a cloth on top of it.

georgie lifted it up.

"how many?"

"uh... two's fine."

georgie grabbed a plate and placed it on the table.

he put two buttermilk pancakes onto the plate.

"here you go. i stole the syrup so if you need it come get it."

georgie went back to sitting down.

stan went to go sit next to him.

"oh, you sitting with me? i thought you didn't want to because-

"why wouldn't i? your my favorite."

stan smiled.

georgie laughed.

"are you ready kids?"

the tv yelled.

a new episode of sponge bob was beginning.

georgie and stan both watched eagerly at the screen.

"i love sponge bob."

"me too!"

"i used to watch it when i was little but my mom always thought it was a bad influence."


"not sure."

"well when your here, that's all you watch."

georgie laughed.

stan bit into the pancake.

"no way you made these!?"


"there really good."

"thanks, i make them a lot."

"your talented."

"yeah, i guess i could say that."

"anyway, that other day a long time ago you said something about you knowing i don't know..."

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