Chapter 2

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As Winter and Terra parted ways, the young male couldn't help but worry. Did Terra REALLY want to be like him? A bitten wolf is unlikely to survive without a pack, and even then, it's still risky. He should have said nothing. He made his way into the wooded area next to the city, seperated by a river. The bridge was made entirely of healthy tree roots and vines, meaning the bridge was all natural. It was good that humans started this sort of thing up, rather than cutting down trees and such like they used to.

He made it to a cottage, where he and his pack call home as Humans. He underessed and shifted, groaning as his bones began cracking and morphing into place. His pelt was a blue-black on top, with ginger stripes, and a tawny undercoat and creme underbelly. The newly shifted Winter shook himself and headed outside, closing the door behind him. He took in the scents around him, and could smell his father nearby, remarking the area with his packmate Harvey.

Harvey was a bitten wolf, unlike Winter and his Father. Harvey was snow white, with faint grey markings on his paws and the tip of his tail. The only marking that stood out was a black ring around his muzzle.

"Hey Winterstreak." Harvey said, poking his head out of a bush. "Mind helping us with the scent markings?"

"Yeah sure." Winter said, moving to an unmarked area.

"What's on your mind boy?" A massive black wolf said, coming out of another bush. His left hindleg carried his only real marking, a single reddish-brown paw. This was their Alpha, and Winter's father, Thrust.

"Thrust.... Well, one of my human friends wants to know our secret. But honestly, we would have to bite her for that. I don't know what to do. I told her I would ask you."

"Hrm. Do you trust her not to spill the secret?" Thrust asked, taking a seat.

"No. She's a blabber mouth. Unless her life were truly in danger if she told it I don't think she could keep it."

"Then if she really wants to know, she'll have to prove it. I'm not risking our pack again Winterstreak. Not after the last time I trusted a Meat."

"I understand sir. I'll make sure I test her properly." Winter said, bowing his head in respect.

"Enough of that kid. Go find Sonya. After we do this we'll be hunting for dinner."

Sonya. Another bitten wolf Thrust allowed to join their pack. A spunky girl, definately. Despite her wolf being submissive, Sonya was a fiery spirit, ready to take on the world, whether or not she was a wolf or a woman. She usually worked as a Barista during the day so she could help add to what Thrust calls the "Meat Funds".

He was never find of humans, mostly because hunters took out their entire pack when Winter was just a pup. Winter could never remember the details, only the fear as Thrust carried him away to safety. The other packs in the area respected Him as a survivor, and a Strong Alpha despite having hardly any pack at all anymore. So instead, Thrust took the time to bring his pack to the humans, seeing who was bitten and who needed help or a pack.

A strange sent filled Winter's nose, breaking him from his thoughts. This was someone new. Someone he didn't recognize. She was definately female though. That much he could tell by scent. And there was a strange scent. One he knew from the human's perspective. It smelled like the rubbing alcohol used in the lab on campus.

Winter let out a warning growl, letting the other wolf know she was trespassing. The strange wolf walked out confidently from the bushes, sniffing.

"No. You're not the one I'm looking for. But I'm definately close." She said. Her Ruby red fur was startling. No wolf could possibly have fur that color unless it was dyed, but the smell of hair dye was missing on her. "Oh? You look surprised to see me. What's the matter, never saw a Werewolf before?"

"No it's not that. Your fur is just.... Unnatural. And you reek of rubbing alcohol."

"That's because I live with humans, most of whom are scientists. I consider them my pack. But many of them were murdered in our home. I'm seeking revenge."

"My alpha and I went through the same thing when I was little. Humans killed everyone but me and him. I don't even remember my mother's scent."

"Then you understand my pain. My name is 19. What's yours?"

"I.... That's a strange name....."

"I'm a strange girl." She said, brushing up against Winter's muzzle.

"Uh... My... My name is Winterstreak...." Winter stammered

"Winterstreak? What a nice name. It suits you." 19 said. "I'm assuming I'm in your territory. Care to escort me across, or am I free to go?"

"As long as you don't hunt here, you're free to go."

"What could I possibly hunt? I have no experience. I'm more of a pet than a free wolf. Anyways, I'll see you around Winterstreak." She said, passing him again.

That was so strange... Winter thought. SHE was so strange. Was she a lab born wolf? It explained why she was so unnaturally colored, and why she claimed she couldn't hunt. But was it even possible? And her strange name.... Just a single number. 19.

Winter shook himself. He had a job to do. He had to find Sonya.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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