New Life..

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Star Trotted back and forth writing a scroll.

Star Stone, her daughter approched her.


Star looked behind her.

"Oh Star stone! hello sweety.."

Star Stone looked down.

"Whats wrong?" Star asked.

Star stone nodded.

"I dont want to go to the school of friendship."

Star Dust tilted her head.

"Why not?.."

Star Stone frowned.

Star looked at her then nodded after saying

"Well your sister Comet Crush is going dont you want to go?"

"Ok..fine i guess i'll try it.."

Star stone added.

The next day school time rolled around.

Star Stone stared at the clock shuttering.

Star dust walked in stone's room.

"Honey c'mon its time for school.."

Star Stone woke up and her mane was frazzled.

"M-Mom..? oh time already?.."

"Yup! i'll go wake up comet."

Star Dust,her mother left the room.

Star Stone got out of bed and sat at her mirror.

Stone used her magic and levitated a brush to comb her mane.

the door opened.

"Stone! are you ready?"

A Purple Unicorn said smiling.

"yes coming.."

after combing her mane star stone and comet took the friendship express to ponyville.

-----------TIME SKIP PAST THE TRAIN-----------------------

They soon arrived at the school of friendship.

*So many..creatures..* Stone said in her mind.

Comet went up to a hippogriff.

"Hello! my name is comet crush i am here to register for the school, where do i go?"

"Well..i-i just came to drop my kid off..wait you look.."

"hello? sir..?"

Comet questioned this.

"Midnight? whats going on."

A teal pegasus landed next to the hippogriff.

Comet Stared in awe at the teal pegasus.

"Are y-you..?"

Star Stone saw what was happening and went up to the pegasus.

"Im sorry ma'm Dont mind my sister...I-"

the pegasus smiled.

"No Worries, i guess i have some fans."

She winked.


Comet's Face lighted with glee.


Stone Asked.

"She was an amazing flier! and still is!! mom told me all bout her!"

Prism knelt down.

"So..Who is your mother anyways?"

She asked.

"Empress Star Dust!!"

Comet answered.

"Wa- STAR! oh my gosh! i havnt seen  Star in forever!.."

Prism Added.

"Wait you know mother?"

Stone asked.

"Know her? Oh We were more then that! Me,your mother and all our friends used to be the elements of everlasting harmony!!"

Prism added.

"Woah!! Then you are one of mothers old friends?"

Comet Questioned.

"Yup anyways it was nice talking to you foals but i have to get going i have a race to win!!"

Prism said as she galloped at full speed away.

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