Yellow Acacia

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Mira’s school got cancelled for a whole week. The school authorities advised Mira’s parents to let her stay home and not go to school. Mira wondered and asked her parents why, but they didn’t want to answer because they think the news will make their daughter cry. But stubborn as she is, she pressed them harder, saying she’ll sneak at night to find out later. They gave in and finally told her that her best friend, Jamie, went beyond after.

Jamie was Mira’s precious childhood friend. They grew up in the same neighborhood and did everything together, they even share the day they got delivered into this world. Mira loved Jamie like a sister she never had, but sometimes she thinks of her much more than that.

The FBI found Jamie’s body inside the green house of the school she and Mira goes to. Mira’s parents were so desperate to keep her from going there but their stubborn child wouldn’t let them. Mira teared through the yellow police lines that surrounded the green house and once she finally plucked the last strip, what she expected to see almost made her breakdown. Inside the green house, Jamie’s body was rested in the exact center of it. She is surrounded by dozens of red tulips and sweetpeas, she was sitting in a position that resembled a mother carrying a baby, but instead of an infant, she carried in her arms her decapitated head with its eye sockets hollow.

The police suspected Mira, Mr. Abel, and a school staff. Three people that frequently went to the green house and interacted with Jamie Schurr. They didn’t suspect the school staff much longer because he had an alibi with him that proves he’s innocent, but he still showed remorse and grief in having to lose a friend. They didn’t suspect Mira either because her parents made sure she was home on the day Jamie got murdered. The last suspect was Mr. Abel and he fits all the evidence found and he had no alibi to support himself. Forensics declared Jamie got decapitated with a sickle that Mr. Abel owned and got her eyes gouged out with a spoon that Mr. Abel used to burrow small holes on the ground.

The FBI declared the killer to be Mr. Abel with enough evidence to back up his crimes. Mr. Abel pleaded innocence until the very end in court, but no one would believe him. He felt alone in his battle with justice. He is so angry with the world as he slowly realizes how easy it is to be the fool in the circus.

Jamie’s funeral finally came to an end. It was a quiet occasion, but almost everyone that attended wanted to scream their griefs. Mira was the one affected the most; she cried her eyes out and no one seemed to make her calm down. She calmed down once it was finally time to lay Jamie’s casket on the ground. There Mira stood in front as the casket is being lowered, she threw two red roses and one yellow carnation when Jamie reached the ground.

Mira went home with her parents and as soon as she got inside, her legs took her to her room without saying another word to her parents. She opened her room to see her desk full of carnations of kinds in different shades of pink, red, and yellow. She stared at it and went to open her drawer to pull out a jar filled with Jamie’s beautiful blue eyes inside. She placed it in the middle of her desk and stared lovingly at it until the sun finally set.


A/N: Background Story for "Yellow Acacia" on the next chapter.

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