Step back in the Past...

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[WARNING: This chapter contains SENSITIVE content! Please be advised and aware. Sexual assault is not a joke, please don't take it as one. Be respectful and thank you. If you're younger, please leave and don't continue.]

[Now back to the story]


I have free period and I'm sitting alone in the stairway when I get a hit of a flashback from when I was....


It was a cold January day and my sister was sick but I had afterschool. I was walking out with Snappy and James, Snappy and I have been friends since 7th grade. I dated him for a week but we broke up since my ex-girlfriend started drama and it was crazy. But we're good now and everything is great. [Is it?] I walk to the highschool then Snappy groans about something

"Fuck man! I [']forgot['] something at my house. Stel, wanna come get it?" He looks at me and I get a confused look as I look up from my phone. 

"What?" I question and he looks at me. 

I should start with the issue before continuing. . .

Around October and November, my (EX)Boyfriend Daniel and I were having trouble and it was hard. But he helped me out with it, but he asked me a weird question one day which stunned me.

"Yo, as a repayment, can I have sex with you?" My body froze and I dropped my books and laughed.

"Wait, have SEX? HAHA! You must be jokin', bro!" I wheezed but then I looked at him and he wasn't laughing. He looked serious.

"I'm not laughing Stella. I wanna have sex with you."

"Didn't you lose your virginity in 7th though?" I note him on it.

"Yeah, but I wanna have it with you. I know you're a virgin." He looked at me then I felt a little uncomfortable but I shrugged it off.

"Okay, but still-"

"Wanna do it?" He asks again and just for him to shut up, I said:

"Sure, whatever" I wish I never said it that day. . . .

Weeks pass and everyday he then asked me if I could go to his house. After the 2nd day of him asking, I said no because of after school. But then I kept thinking and I realized that I didn't wanna do it. I then started lying about days I had afterschool and at first he never knew. Then one day..

"Stel?" I hear someone behind me say as I was playing games and I saw Snappy behind me. I put my Ipad down and go to him.

"Snappy! I-I swear I was-"

"Just shut up!" He storms off and I sigh. I just don't wanna do it... I have a right to say no, right..?

Weeks go on and on and he still kept asking me. I kept saying no and that I was busy then he was getting annoyed and mad. I knew he was catching on my act and I don't care. On December 14, me and Jeremy started dating. On Monday, we told our group. Everyone was happy, but Snappy looked a little pissed.

"Oh really?" He looked at us stern.

"Yeah, why?" Jeremy comments as he holds my hand. 

"Just asking." His tone is sharp and we shrug it off. Then ne day when he asked me again, I got mad because he knew I was dating Jeremy so I told him off and told Jeremy to tell Snappy to stop asking me to do it then later, Snappy came up to me and said, "Can you tell your boyfriend that I can ask you whatever I want? I have a right to say whatever I want to you." He informs me and I just walk away. He was being an asshole.

Now. . . 

I look at Jeremy then back at Snappy.

"Come with me to get it." He repeats himself.

"Can Jeremy come?" I ask nicely.

"I just need you." My body gets uneasy as he said that then I look at Jeremy. 

"Go, just call me if anything." Jeremy hugs me.

"Okay baby. I'll be back." I kiss him then we walk out. As we walk and I listen to music, my body started to feel ill and weird. Like a bad vibe was happening but I wasn't sure of it. I felt like I had to run away or go back. But I ignored it and kept walking. We arrived at his house which is not as far from my house. I stand in the hallway of his house and he peeks his head out the door. 

"Dude, come in" He tells me.

"Nah, I'm fine here." I lean on the wall and have my headphones away and was on my phone.

"Get inside." He insists me to go in. 

'Why does he want me inside?' I think but I still say, "No, I'm okay here."

"Get yo ass in here before you freeze." He says like he's demanding me. 

"Omg, fine!" I scoff and sit on the couch with my coat off and my shoes are off. He walked to his room I think and I was just playing a game when I ask him, "You done?" 

"Not yet, still looking!" He calls back and I just shrug. He then walks to me and then.....

Why did I come here..?

He kisses me but I pull back. "Snappy, no! I'm with Jeremy!" I tell him but he grabs me harder and he kisses me again. My body is weak and I try again to shove him off. "Get off me!!" I cry and I try to get my phone out of my pocket to call Jeremy. But he grabs my phone before I can call.

"Nope." Snappy throws my phone and it cracked a little and I'm shaking and crying as he holds me tight and hard...

His lips are against mine hard and I try to kick him off but he gets me on my back and puts my feet up as my body shakes and the tears fall down my face like a river. He then tak- RIPS off my clothes and I shiver and try to break free but he's too strong and I feel him holding me down and he hears my cries loudly as I scream for help. "JEREMY! MABEL! MOM!! ANYONE!!!" 

But no one came. . .

I keep crying and trying to get free but I then see him taking off his clothes and I keep screaming for help. For someone to save me... Was this really happening to me..? He put a CONDOM on! He wasn't looking for any music work, he was looking for a condom to FUCK me. More like rape me... He keeps whispering, "It's okay, it's okay." When I know it wasn't. I was screaming still..... then.... he put in it me hard.... making my body hurt and I wasn't prepared for it... he forced it in harder and I was crying and he kept going.... making me feel it as I wanted help...... No one was saving me..... He then pulled out and I tried to run but he grabbed me again and smirked. "Oh, we're not done yet~" His pervertive voice haunts me as he then took off the condom and put in me again WITHOUT it!! I cried harder and begged him to stop... Around 3:38, he got up and he let go of my right foot. 'NOW'S MY CHANCE!!!' I think as I kick him and he falls down. I put my clothes on quick and run out with my phone, shoes, and coat in hand and cry and run... Run as fast as I could...... I turn but he isn't following me.... Thank god... I put my sneakers on and coat on and run the the highschool and I text Jeremy to meet me at an area...


The tears roll down my face as I cry hard in a curled ball... I shake and wonder.... will I find happiness again..?

[A/N: Hey guys... This chapter is a little deep. The rape story.... It's all true. This is a real thing, please don't give me hate for it and I'm going through it.... Thank you]

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