19 ♤ Dick

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19 ♤ Dick


"Is this weird for you?" I murmured, gazing at Courtney folding up her clothes and putting them into her duffel bag. I was lying on my back in the bed, my head resting on my arm folded behind me. She turned around, a little taken off-guard by the question.


"Since I'm your teacher," I clarified. "And- and the age difference."

She exhaled slowly, thinking.

"I- I mean, a little, but it's- it's a good weird, I think," she responded deliberately, standing up from the floor and brushing her knees off.

"You're just... different than anyone I've ever met," I murmured. "And it probably would have been wise to wait until after you graduated before we started doing this, but- but it's a little too late for that." I moved my hair out of my eyes, watching as she tentatively lifted up the covers and climbed under the sheets.

"We can wait, if you want," she replied softly.

"Do you want to?" I asked.

Courtney paused, before shaking her head. "No, no I don't want to wait."

I smiled faintly, reaching across my body to turn off the lamp. "I don't want to either."

I felt her small form move closer to mine, her arm moving hesitantly to rest on my bare abdomen. I felt warmth shoot through me where our bodies were in contact, and I sighed in contentment.

This was nice. This was so nice.

All I could hear in the darkness of the room was our faint breathing, the rest being a comfortable silence.

Courtney moved her head to lie on my shoulder, her hair brushing against my neck in a way that made my breath hitch.

Out of the few girls I had ever dated, none of them had had this constant effect on me that Courtney had. I was always amazed by her.

I could feel her hand shift position on my stomach, and I stifled a giggle. She giggled out loud, lifting her head up to look into my face.

"You ticklish?"

I was blushing, and I bet she could tell even in the dark. "Mhm."

"Sorry," she murmured, and I could hear the smile in her voice as she laid back down. Her hand moved up to rest on my chest instead, fingers starting to lightly trace over the lines in my skin. It felt nice.

"Don't worry about it," I mumbled. "You're comfortable?"

"Yeah," she replied quietly, snuggling into my side a bit more.

"Good," I hummed.

Her nose brushed against my jaw as she tilted her head up, and I felt her lips press a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"Good night," Courtney whispered.

"'Night, princess," I murmured.

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