oring story

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Iris's POV 

we were doing our report for what we did this and it was max's turn I actually like his story he said "Sharkboy was not always half-shark, half-boy. he was a marine biologist, or at least in training. his father studied great white sharks and called his son Sharkboy because of how much he loved to care for the sharks. he made them sushi and had given them all names--goodmilk, Peggy, Eggbat, and Crackett. but one day, an incredible, mysterious storm appeared. it swept away the entire laboratory. thanks to the life rafts, sharkboy and his father survived. but they survived on different sides of the wreckage, each floated off in a different direction. sharkboy was completely alone...almost completely. but one of the sharks recognized him. they took sharkboy to their cave home, where he'd  be safe and dry. his new family were shark... hundreds of shark. the sharks raised him as one of their own, training him in the ways of shark... to live on instinct and on instinct alone. eventually he grew gills and sharp talons for claws. he grew fin-- all sorts of fins. but that was years ago. I first met sharkboy while fishing on the dock this summer. he seemed lost. so I snuck him home... when my parent were to busy to notice. I kept him fed and in water. he had been traveling the universe in search of his father... he told me of his latest adventures on a planet so cool it makes you drool. he said I, too, could go to planet drool someday. 'then one night I was visited by a glowing light. an amazing girl with purple flames for hair and skin of molten-lava rock appeared. I called her... lavavgirl. she smiled at me, for that seemed to be her name.  she told me she needed sharkboy  to return to planet drool with her, for a great crisis was developing. she asked if I could go with them. I told her 'I have school tomorrow.' she gave me a said look and flamed away, taking sharkboy with her. I haven't seen sharkboy of lavagirl since then. and that what I did this summer." everyone but me chase adam bree and Brianna and a girl in the front throw paper at Max I rolled my eyes

Then Mr. electricidad said "enough! someone is picking that up and it's not going to be."

then my idiot brother said "we were supposed to tell true stories."

Then max said "it is a true story."

then the girl in front said "does Lavagirl have special powers?"

then Mr. electricidad said "there's no such thing as Lavagirl."

then max said "she can... she can shoot lava out of her hands." 

Then I think 'so just geo-thermogenesis.' then I said "cool."

then Mr. electricidad said " how many people think max's story is true?" then the girl, me, Adam, Bree, chase, and Brianna raise our hands

then another girl said "not true."

then a boy said "not true."

Then other boy said "it's just a made-up story."

then my idiot of a brother said "if it's true, why don't you bring shackboy and lavagirl to class tomorrow?"

Then I said "idiot, did you not hear what max said he doesn't know where the went!"

then Mr. electricidad said "iris your next." I walk up to max

And said "it was a cool story." he smiled at me I walk up to the front and said "I spend my time away from home to escape my brother. I was in the forest in Michigan I saw ice on the floor and I followed the trail I saw a scared little girl and she ran to me and clang to me. she looked about 6 years old then me. she said her name was Ice storm I realized something she was hurt so I ran to my camp and got the first-aid kit I ran back. to  where  she and she was crying in pain I stopped the bleeding then I cleaned it the wrapped the wound with a  band-aid. then I took her to my camp and she would tell me that she was looking for her mother she ended up on planet drool. and I would go their with her the next she went their with her older sister an that her sister was in the forest. so I went to find her sister and she's all banged up two I felt so bad for her. I picked her up and took he to my camp site I started cleaning her wound she shot up in pain I go slower she calmed down and she told me the were attacked by a bear and it got her a little to rough. I wrapped up her wound she didn't have to tell me her name I guess right in my head. and that's what I did this summer."

then the girl said "does ice storm have any specail powers." I nod

The I look at my dream journal and  said " she had elecktrokinesis, cyrokinesis, plasmokinesis, pyrokinesis, frigokinesis, and hydrokinesis, aquatic adaption, aquatic breathing, and freezing."

she said "cool."

then I senses a presence s that I didn't sense before. I walked to it and  I get tripped by linus an I said "ow!" my commando app kicks in I talk in a deep voice "THAT'S IT I'M SICK OF BEING PUSHED AROUND!" I pinned Linus to his desk and I said "if you throw me around again. ILL RIP YOURE HEAD OFF AND USE IT AS A BOLLING BALL!" I let go of Linus and follow that presences and the trail ended to chase my commando app deactive

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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