My Ultimate Deceiver

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The sweet scent of honeysuckle invaded Andrea's nose the minute he stepped foot into the dimly lit cafe. Multiple caramel brown colored booths, with beige island countertops littered the entire cafe on the walls. In the middle was situated where the barista's moved smoothly through their workspace. Beautiful fairy lights of snow white hung from the ceiling in a decorative christmas spirit. A tree filled with customers picture ornaments was drafted perfectly towards the back. The magnificent breathtaking angel sitting on top always had Andrea wondering. Is there a thing as true angels in this world? Lately he's been having his doubts.

Covered from head to toe in a comfy white knitted sweater he brought his index finger and thumb to cup his chin in thought. At the gesture his shirt raised a bit to show off his caramel glowing v-line that led to his athletic hips. He then proceeded to cross his black jeans covered right leg over his left foot. His arse leaned against one of the empty booths as he admired the christmas tree.

"Can I help you, sir?" Came a bright cheerful voice that made Andrea's insides feel all weird inside. Warmth clouded his cheeks turning them a pink rosy color. His luscious chocolate brown curls framed his masculine oval shaped face. His to die for crystal blue and storm grey orbs landed on the one who always made him feel weîrd inside. It never failed. 'He' never failed to get this reaction out of him.

Something he's grown accustomed to hate. With a bright rose pink bow shaped lips lifted upwards in a fully energetic happy smile. Stood none other than Nathaniel. He's always cheerful and greets his customers with the same passion. The same hospitality that had them coming back on over and over again. Everything about him was highly contagious to Andrea. Which is why he's made an important decision today.

"Exactly when can I pose for my picture?", he asked drawing his gaze back onto his dream tree. The little bit of an artist in him wanted to know who came up with the concept. It was ideally brilliant and unique. Not many would want their customers on a business decoration. Or so that's how he saw it.

Nathaniel kept on his sweet smile and he beamed at Andrea. "If you'll come this way I'll show you to the breakroom".

The breakroom? Andrea wanted to question that when so many photographs showed the couple's either eating, chatting happily, and smiling freely. All of them had one thing in common. None of them were taken in private.

This little bit of information peaked his interest just a tad. Nothing wrong with feeding his curiosity, right? Quietly he followed the man that looked no younger than twenty five lead into the back and into the empty breakroom. "I'll be back in a moment", voiced an optimistic Nathaniel.

Before Andrea could utter a word the little angel was soon out of his sight. Yes, angel. Who had walnut shaped jade green eyes that held a smidge of hazel brown in them. A sharp pointed cute little nose, high cheekbones, a defined jawline that had Andrea want to skim his fingers over. Sweet sinful rose pink bow shaped lips. Slender arms and fit for legs with the occasional sweet side to him. Today he had worn his usual attire of a black collared polo t shirt with black jeans. The chocolate brown apron of the cafe's name was printed on it in huge letters.

Too busy thinking about how adorable Nathaniel was. Andrea hadn't noticed him re-enter the breakroom. Nor did he hear the click of a lock. Signifying that he had his chance to escape.

"I seriously doubt you'll look good in one of the ornaments, Andrea", Nathaniel calmly spoke. Wait. Was that an insult he heard? Not from the angel. Right? Confused Andrea pulled his eyebrows together making him try to think. Think about who he was truly dealing with here.

"All of those people out there", Nathaniel began again. He waved with his right hand to emphasize a point. "They're all happy and filled with joy. You don't have any". The adorable angel removed his apron and threw it to land on a nearby chair. Which belonged to the metal breakroom table that could fit right people at a time.

His eyes that were so filled with immense joy and life held nothing but devilish intent. A cruel smile printed itself on his lips. Perplexed Andrea stumbled backwards at Nathaniel walking towards him.

"What are you insinuating, Nathaniel?"

"I'm not insinuating anything. Just speaking the truth, Andrea". Nathaniel breathed into his right ear making him feel weak at the knees. "I hate people who just assume they know me", he growled.

Wait. What? Andrea felt more than terribly confused. He was honestly lost. What was Nathaniel implying? All he wanted was to take a dámn picture? And at least be apart of something special.

Speechless Andrea didn't budge not did he give a proper reaction to Nathaniel. Who in turn laughed darkly. "It seems like a cat's got your tongue". For a moment he paused. "Too bad. Because I'm going to be the only feline in your life".

The feel of something warm and wèt glided across Andrea's neck. He shivered and stood there unsure of what to do. What was happening here?

More precisely who's this man before him? This isn't. His eyes widened and he harshly bit his tongue to with hold back a moán. "This kitty will pûrr for you Andrea", Nathaniel huskily whispered. Right before he nipped and tugged the shell of Andrea's right ear. The male brought his hands up to push at Nathaniel's chest only to have his own caught by his predator. "You don't want to stop me, Andrea".

But doesn't he?

"Let me hear your voice". Fingers scraped through Andrea's scalp harshly, before they threaded through his soft curls, and yanked his head back to bring a sharp sting of pain. Pain that had Andrea definitely weak at the knees. A low throaty moàn escaped his parted lips.

"Such a sweet sound my unsuspecting angel", Nathaniel pûrred. From all of this stimulation Andrea felt himself tighten in his jeans. So badly he wanted to runaway. So badly he wanted to stay. He was caught in a beautiful yet tortuous dilemma.

Nathaniel breathed into his neck for a few seconds. As if baiting Andrea to grow frustrated. Unluckily for him Andrea had all of the patience in the world. "Don't fight me, angel".

Andrea whimpéred from the back of his throat at Nathaniel sinking his teeth into his flesh. Overly flushed he quietly panted and tried one more time to push at Nathaniel's chest. Yes, it was a weak attempt, but it was still one to say the least.

Nathaniel licked where he bit before he pulled away all together. Like a light switch that can flip on and off. Did Nathaniel go back to his cheerful angelic self. "Same time tomorrow?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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