That cant be

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I wake up with the sun shining brightly into my room. I pull off the covers and climb out of bed headed to the windows. I push open the curtains and notice it's a beautiful day outside. I head to the other side of my bedroom and enter the bathroom with a pair of spanks and a sports bra to change into.
I come back out and put on my sandals and head outside for a run with my wolf.
As I step outside I feel a rush of cool wind hit my body, it felt amazing.
I go behind a tree and take off my sports bra and spanks and shift into my wolf picking up my clothes with my mouth. I look around hoping nobody saw me shift and then I start my run.
Faster and faster I go letting my wolf take over
I know I have been running for at least ten minutes now because I reach the river that I always came to, to think. I jump in and shift back to my human form. Loving the feel of the water on my body I start swimming towards the waterfall.
Behind the waterfall there's this cave that only Blake and I new of. It's where he brought me on our first date.
As I start to head in I hear a bush rustling behind me in front of the river. I turn around hoping to see something. But nothing was there. I start to freak out. I sniff the air and I make out an unfamiliar scent in the air. I head back to where I put my clothes and put them on.
I walk to where that bush was and look behind but nothing but a rag was there. I shake it off and turn back around only to see five rogues standing right in front of me.
I start to run the opposite way hoping they don't catch me and I can lose them .
As I turn around to see if they are still following me I notice that they are no longer there.
I stop running and just stare at where they once were. I start to wonder who they were and what they wanted as I start walking back to my house.
All of a sudden someone comes out of the trees with a rag and puts on my face. I try to break free but I cant, the person is to strong.
Everything starts to get blurry and I start to get weaker and weaker. I decided to just give in to the darkness.
I felt someone pick me up and carry me to God knows where.
I here beeping around me, put I can't open my eyes. I try and try and try but my eyes won't budge. I hear someone in the room and they are talking by themselves. probably on the phone I assume.
I continue trying to wake up and all of a sudden my eyes flutter open .
I look around to the extremely bright room wondering where in the hell I'm at and what I'm doing here.
As I start to regain my vision little my little I can start making out figures in the room.
There's a man tall, handsome, built and full of tattoos on his arm.
He had golden brown hair and the most darkest and brightest blue eyes I had ever seen.
Just like mine. He starts to approach me. I just stare at him while he comes to my bedside.
"Who are you" I ask with fear written all over me. but I felt safe and I don't know why.
"Hello sister" he said with love clear in his voice.

What in the hell. No way. Lol cliffhanger. I hoped you guys enjoyed, I sure enjoyed writing this chapter. 😱 please vote and comment please . love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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