Chapter 4: The Truth

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Kid sucked in a breath as he heard Liz and Soul go up the stairs and in front of Kids bedroom. "He's in here." After what sounded like Liz's foot steps leaving there was a knock on Kids door. Kid wiped away his tears and straightned his room and himself up. "Come in." Soul opened the door and walked in. "Kid. Can I ask you something?" Kid shrugged his shoulders and nodded. "Do you wanna go out with me?" Kids eyes widened. "R... Really?" Soul thought for a moment. He has add never heard Kid stuter before. "Yes really." Kid smiled and glomped Soul. "I would love to go out with you!" Soul smiled and hugged Kid. "By the way this is yours." Soul pulled Kids phone out of his po ketand handed it to him. "So you did have it." Soul nodded. I called Black*Star to just kinda see whose phone it was on the down low I guess you could say. Kid smiled. "That's okay. As !long as it was you and not someone else."

Authors Note:

Sorry its so short but this is how I wanted it to go and have it end and this is how it is. Sorry about that. I promise not all my stories are this bad. Also I do not own Soul Eater. I also hope that if you read this you will read my other stories and gimme another chance. I have more Soul x Kid and other pairing on Deviantart. My user name there is lildevil74. Thanks and I hope you enjoyed!

Soul x Kid maskedWhere stories live. Discover now