Chapter 1: The Outsider

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The Forest.

9 AM.

(Y/N): Somebody once told me *panting* the world is gonna roll me *panting* I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed *dies*

After a few hours of been walking in the same direction that the helicopter went off, Y/N was nearly dying, with no food, no water, but the worst part was the sun was melting him.

(Y/N): After all these years fighting the evil, I never imagined that YOU *points at the sun*will be the one that defeats me! I CURSED YOU, YOU BIG AND HOT SPHERE!

Y/N just stood there, surrounded by trees, wherever he looked there were only trees and the sound of nature. After a moment of just behold nature Y/N sat down on the grass and look to the sky tired.

(Y/N): Relax, you have been walking for hours now and there's no sign of a city but hey, things could be worse, put on a happy face!

But it could get worse because life hates Y/N, life hates him so much that as soon as Y/N finished that sentence his stomach began to make some weird noises.

(Y/N) : I speak too soon Q_Q

Y/N run at the nearest bush and proceed to do his... Uh, "his business". Once Y/N finished doing "his business" he came out of behind the bush and stood proudly in front of it.

(Y/N): Wow, those leaves were incredibly soft, it felt like clouds in my ass *-*. But there's no time to lose, I have to get out of this forest...

He looks in all directions with a confused face.

(Y/N): Fuck... I'm lost -_-

Y/N tried so hard to remember the direction he was going that smoke started to come out of his ears.

(Y/N): Okay, that's the dick-shaped tree, and that's the rock I saw earlier. Uh, how can a tree have the shape of a dick? It's because of evolution? or maybe because nature is very kinky?

Y/N's mind was wondering how it is possible for a tree to have a penis shape. After some minutes of intense theories about trees, Y/N remembered where he was.

(Y/N): Focus Y/N! You have to get out of here! Now think, which way I should take? I could just jump over these trees to take a look, no, if there are people nearby they could see me and no one wants that. Buuut I can climb the tallest tree.

He looks around searching for the tallest tree around, and he finds it, just a few meters from him.

(Y/N): My luck is changing! And now is CLIMBING TIME!

After saying that Y/N runs at the tallest tree and started climbing it while screaming "CLIMBING TIME". Several moments later Y/N was sitting in the top facing a big city just a miles away.

(Y/N): So there you are. That's a big ass city and looks normal enough... wonderful :D
I'm excited! All I have to do is get down of here, oh, this is a great time to practice my landing.

Y/N stood on the top of the tree and take a deep breath before closing his eyes.

(Y/N): I got this.

And he dropped on his back falling at full speed from the tree while falling Y/N take a deep breath and open his eyes just to see all in slow motion.

(Y/N): Great! I think I will finally get this! After all those failures the moment has finally come ~


A loud boom was heard and with it, a lot of dust rise. The land shakes a little making all the birds that were in the trees fly off.

The Strongest Hero (OPMaleReader x BNHA) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant