Better times to come Part 2

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 it was the morning of the date. Shrek had to hurry to get ready cause he woke up late. "i hope shes hot" says shrek. He quickly grabbed his coat and ran out the door. he runs all the way to swamp fillies. "just in time" he says, he runs to the outhouse to freshen up cause hes all sweaty. He goes to their table shes not even there yet. he takes a moment to breathe. A few minoutes later a man comes up to shreks table. Shrek found him wirdly hot. " dude ur straight dont think like that" "um im waiting for someone , what do u need. "are u Shrek?", "yes, who are u?" "im phil your date"

sorry this is so short and it took so long for me to upload i kinda just forgot about it anyway expect dayly uploads from now on and fair warning im not using proper grammar spelling or aything like that so it might be a mess sometimes. 

shrek x Dr.Phil Better times to comeWhere stories live. Discover now