Best Friends Girlfriend

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My hands were wrapped around her body as I kissed every inch of her not missing a spot. Kissing her neck, hearing her moan, loving every second of it as my hands are on her thigh. Moving her to the wall so, she won't be able to escape out of my arms as we kiss and make love, wanting not to ever be apart.

"Jughead, wake your ass up!" FP shouted from the rooftops.
As I woke up in shock of what I was just dreaming of I yell.
"Dad, I'm up!" I groan.
"Finally, I thought I had to get up and waste my time trying to wake your lazy ass up."
"Okay, Dad, I get it. I'm lazy."
"Get ready."
I get up from bed. I brushed my teeth, showered, ate breakfast, put my books in my bag that I wrap around my shoulder and I still couldnt get that dream out of my head.
And not for the reasons you think, I've had sex with Betty multiple times so, It's not new to me but what grabbed me was the fact that the woman in the dream was Veronica.


Hey guys! Long time, no see!
I said I've been working on my story but I gave the wrong information..
It's about another story I'm making but not publishing yet.
Don't really know how I got that wrong but, we are still thriving.
I wasnt kidding though about trying to be consistent with my posting, so yea.
I'm really bad with making sex scenes but hopefully that was bearable.
Have a good day!

Best Friends GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now