Mistakes are meant to be made

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Months had passed and me and Eugene where still talking strong. I loved that boy. I believe he really loves me too. When we were on FaceTime he fell asleep so it screen shotted it to post it on Facebook. I posted it and tagged him in it. I went to his page to see if it was there. It was. Right along with some whore posting on his wall. " Bae we have been together for the longest and I just want you to know how much I love you" it read. I texted Eugene mad.
Me- Eugene who is that on Facebook ?
4.27.11😘- what are you talking about
Me- your other bae ?
4.27.11😘- 😔 Kat I have something to tell you
Me- spill it !
4.27.11😘- that's my girlfriend
Me- girlfriend ? How could you do this to me I love you !
4.27.11😘- I love you too that's why I didn't want to tell you.
Me- if you loved me you wouldn't of led me on. I hate you.
I blocked his number. I ran to the bathroom and cried. I couldn't stop crying why did this hurt so much. What was this feeling I was feeling. My chest throbbed. Was this what it felt like to be heart broken ?

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