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Present day


I turn towards the sound to see the screen of my phone lit up. “What now?” I ask to no one. I figure it is my brother wanting me to pick him up or my mom telling me to come outside and help her bring in the groceries. I open my phone to see a text from neither my mom nor my brother but from an old friend, Logan. I’m a little taken aback by this. I feel my breath hitch as I see his name on my screen.

Logan and I are old friends. Well, we were once a couple but that was many years ago. We’ve mostly stayed in touch on and off for the past five years. You know a “how are you?” here and a “What’s new with you?” there. The last time I even spoke to him was about seven months ago and he was with some girl, which in my opinion would be considered white trash. But of course I didn’t have an opinion. As I saw his name on my screen I instinctively looked down at the ring on my right ring finger. It was gorgeous, it was a simple silver band with small diamonds wrapping around it. Logan gave it to me for our first Christmas together and I haven’t taken it off sense.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand again. I looked down to see another message from Logan. I quickly realized I hadn’t even read the first. I opened them both.

                                Hey. Wat up?


I didn’t even know he had my number anymore. The girl he had been dating instantly hated me the moment she met me. I have no idea why but she did. She erased my number out of Logan’s phone right in front of me. She was a total bitch. But then again Logan liked those nasty, bitchy girls. His best friend Paul always said that I was the only ‘nice’ girl Logan ever dated. And I had no problem believing that one.

I waited a few minutes before I texted him back. I didn’t want him to think that I was too eager to hear from him again. Even if I was.


I quickly got a reply. Aint this Zara?

I had to laugh at how fast he texted me back. I walked back over to my desk where I was working on a sketch. My desk was a complete mess. I was trying to copy a ‘look’ out of one of my art books, they used charcoal. So I tried to do the same thing…the picture in the book looks way better.

                                Yea this is Zara.

I know this seems childish but I didn’t want Logan to think that I kept his number. I didn’t want him to think that I was eager to become his friend again.

                                This is Logan. What you been doin’? 

My curiosity was taking over, I had to know why he was texting me again. Why he had gotten in contact with me and how he had gotten my number. I answered his question with my own question.

                                How’d u get my num?

                                I still got it memorized. What u doin’ rite now?

I looked at my failed attempt at my charcoal drawing and replied. Nothing.

I was expecting a reply right away but I didn’t get one. I got bored of staring at my phone so I walked over to bed and turned on the T.V., channel surfing was my favorite sport. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get Logan out of my head.

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