Scarlet Speedster - Shattering Glass

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When the first one got him in the shoulder, all he could feel was the agony that spread from the wound.

With the second brought the dizziness.

The third caused his collapse, knees buckling beneath him.

Finally, with the fourth - black attacked. His world covered in its rein.


When his world came back to the light, the first thing that he mentioned was the shackles attached to his ankles and the ones attached to his wrists. Next, he notices the blue padding, the fact that he was in the pipeline cell. Finally, he noticed that his - what he used to see them as - family outside the locked door. They all had weapons aimed at him.

"You know what I find so funny? Not the fact that I am locked up. Not that I am shackled. But the fact that you would think those weapons could hurt me, let alone would stop me!" Barry chuckled to himself, leaning against the cell walls. His face was covered with a smile-smirk worthy of Captain Cold and the Joker in one.

The shock-horror that covered all his family's faces was worth anymore then what was happening at that moment. It was so good that a couple of them even lowered their weapons.

They weren't anti-speedster weapons. He was fine. It took enough tranquillizer to kill an African Elephant twice over for them to get him unconscious even for a few minutes.

As he laughed, feeling all the needles jarring painfully on him.

How nice of them to leave them in him.

Just as they started to close the door on him, he leaned forwards his face millimetres from the door, whistling an eerie single note. It echoed through all of them, rattling their bones as the door finally hissed shut.

That is when Barry got to work.

He managed to knock one of the needles out of his back and used that to unpick the shackles before he started to try and get the others out.

Soon he was shackle-free and needle-free. It took him under five minutes to do this. The only reason for it being that long was because they had started to chill the room when the door shut.

After planning for this to happen at one point, he opened up the hidden compartment. In there was a weeks supply of protein bars - kindly hidden from the view of anyone but himself.

It was only fair for them to get jealous, so he was prepared for when this was going to happen.

Hidden further in that compartment was a suit-ring. The moment that he got out of here, he was going straight into that suit so that they can't track him any longer.


Team Flash managed to return within two hours - after they had everything beaten out of them first. The first thing they did - after taking the unconscious Iris over to med bay - was to go check on Barry.

The moment that door was open, they only saw his eyes flash before all the glass shattered as he ran forwards at the highest speed he could from such a small space.

Team Flash was left on their backs, covered in thousands of shards of glass and metal with an empty flash suit.


Barry shot out of the cell the moment that he could, holding his ring in front of him and the new suit forming around him. He left the other suit laying on the floor as a reminder as to what the others had lost.

He gathered materials and resources that he might need, broke the rest and headed away from the area that he once called his home.


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